Now we are again with our experiments.This experiment is gonna be an interesting one since we are going to havesome trial for our fist boxers. We will have Badang, Chou, andPaquito undergo some visitations. Targeting organization will be used todetermine who is the strongest fist fighter at the end of all the trials.We will be testing their Power, Agility, Endurance, Mobility, andtheir Finishing Blow Power. All of them have these levels, sameemblem, and all of them will not have items. So let’s honcho over to our Strength trial.Here, we will test who can kill the level 1 Layla the fastest with their strong fists.So, give the fight begin! Chou was able to kill Layla first, Badangcomes after, then Paquito comes last-place. We will grant Chou with 3 points, Badangwith 2 points, and Paquito with 1 object. Now, let’s ability over to our Agility trial.With their flow race and skills, who among other issues can reach the farthestturret on the bottom lane the fastest? So, tell the hasten begin! As expected, with Chou’s overflowing mobility talents, he was able to reach the finish line first, then Badang comes next, then Paquito comes last-place once again. We will now grant Chou with 3 points, Badangwith 2 points, and Paquito with 1 target. Reviews like these troubles are in Chou’s favor.I hope Paquito can keep up with these 2. Now, let’s heading over to our Endurance trial.On this one, we will have the turtle attack them non-stop until their death.Whose muscles will prevail on this endurance test? You might notice that the turtledeals more damage to Paquito. Maybe because he has lowerPhysical Defense among them, but I guess it’s because he is lettingthe Turtle hit him from behind. Anyway, let’s fast forward this nonsense. Okay, so here, Chou and Paquitoboth died at the same time, then Badang died last-place which makeshim the most durable among them. We will now grant Badang with 3 points, and Chou and Paquito will both have 1.5 targets since they both died at the same time.These contests aren’t really looking good for Paquito.Next, we have the Mobility trial. We will test their flicker skills throughdifferent thickness of hazard. First, let’s have this super thin wall.As expected, they were all able to pass the thin wall.Let’s all give them 1 extent for this lame success. Now, for the medium difficulty, let’s have them pass this medium-thick wall. As you can see, Chou precisely bumped onthe wall, while Badang and Paquito passed through successfully.It looks like Chou was paid by the mafia to intentionally lose thistrial on purpose because he was way ahead. So we will give Badang andPaquito both 1 site each. Now for the Hard difficulty, let’s have thissuper thick-witted wall which is thicker than your ex. As you can see, Chou stillcannot move on from his ex, whereas Badang and Paquito only went throughtheir breakup easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. We will give again Badangand Paquito 1 time each. Now, for the last trial, we will betesting their Finishing Blow Strength. This means that we will testtheir Ultimate talents’ Supremacy. We will be using their ultimateskill on its full potential. That means that we will somehowutilize their other skills to exactly improve the total damage of their ultimate knowledge. So for Chou, we squandered 2nd skill to add PhysicalPenetration effects on his eventual knowledge. But that’s pretty useless since theDamage bot has no defense to begin with. Well anyway, Chou was able to deal 1464 damage.Now, let’s have Badang’s eventual skill. Utilizing his passive skill which addsdamage when the antagonist is against a wall, he was able to deal a total shatter of 4640 whichis more than twice what Chou coped to the dummy. I think that was too OP, so let’s try itagain without implementing his passive ability. On this one, he was able todeal a total of 2900 impairment. Even if there was already a handicap, hisdamage is still way higher than Chou’s. Now, let’s have Paquitobuffed with his passive science. Let’s see how strong his Uppercut will be.Paquito was able to deal a total damage of 1846. I truly feel that Chou wasthrowing the last 2 troubles. Maybe because the mafia have hisex or maybe he was really paid. Now let’s grant Badang with 3 points, Paquito with 2 points, and Chou with 1 place. So in total, we have Badang with the highestpoints, followed by Chou, and then Paquito. We now have Badang as ourChampion for these tribulations. But still, these 3 Fist Fightersare the best on their own. You really have to utilize their abilitiesso you can dominate your opponents in-game.What do you think about this experiment? Comment down below and tell us what you think. Thanks for watching! 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