this is a standard PC no markings you can buy this at any store any if you to get into the computer and look at the back make sure that all your connectors when you lay the computer down all the connectors are on the bottom these are thumb screws you unscrew them up to the side and you slide back and then lift up just takes the case off now this is the inside of a computer you have a power supply these connectors come off a power supply supply power to everything on the system board and on the components this is a processor fan heatsink which is over the microprocessor there’s several components that are on here that we’ll talk about later you have your hard drive you have your cd-rom and this is this component down here is called your mother boy we’re going to take this apart the blue cables that you see here are called SATA cables that’s ata SATA cables there’s a pin on the top of one of these you squeeze and pull see this pin here what you do is you squeeze that pin down and you pull out and it comes off of the hard drive and I’m going to take the power which has the same type of connector only uses a little bit longer we do the same thing up top squeeze and pull same thing with the power squeezing pull the power is supplied through the power supply the SATA cable is supplied through the system boy there’s these cables here your SATA cables are connected to SATA ports that are on the system board again squeeze and you pull set these off to the side as well we’re going to start connecting power to everything this power cord right here connects to a case fan they simply just unplug this power connector connects all the power to the system board squeeze and pull directly out it’s got this little clip it clips on to the side of the system board again another case fan unplug power and you have a four prong power connector down here it supplies more power to the board it also has a little squeeze pin and it pulls right out now your power supply is completely disconnected from your system boy now we’re going to remove the power supply okay to remove the power supply there are four screws on the backside get a Philips screwdriver make sure you don’t lose your screws once you finish taking out all four screws power supply so just follow the slide forward tilt back towards the board lift straight on it that is the removal of a power supply now let’s remove the hard drive normally there are two screws holding power supply in on either side top and bottom let’s remove the hard drive screws and remove the hard drive slides forward and your hard drive has been removed if you have screws on the on the other side on the opposite side stand the preheater back up remove the screws on the on what we call the bottom side remove your thumb screws slide the tray open up that portion of your computer these two screws will release the cd-rom drive put it back around two screws on this side once you’ve removed the screws from the cd-rom push from the back count forward and your senior on the slide forward now to remove the system board you can first have to remove each one of the components that are tied to it cables PCI connectors or p8 PCI Express whatever external cards or what they call add-on cards you have to remove those this is considered memory doesn’t necessarily have to be removed when you’re moving removing the motherboard but you can to remove the memory there’s a tab on either side you pull the tab out pull this tab on the other side out and the memory slides right out there’s your memory stick now we’re going to remove this PCI card to do that you’ll see the screws inside here it’s hard to get to there’s a cover on the backside and we have to remove it first this is not normal on on all computer all computers some of the the big box computers do not have these most custom cut cases will remove your case it exposes all your screws you find which one has the silver tab that usually indicates a an add-on card unscrew it back into the case grab both corners and pull straight out this will take your card your PCI card off of the system board now most of the cables that you see here come from the front panel the front panel has a card reader it’s got USB ports audio headphone jack it’s got a power button a power LED or power light and it’s got indicators for your hard drive and other lights on the front so what we want to do is disconnect those cables from your system board real simply don’t you know don’t pull too hard just grab firmly and ease them out just pull lightly and they’ll all unplug and notice how they fan apart this is your USB cables do the same thing grab lightly and pull these do not fan apart and it has the word USB nor has the the letters usb on them this will tell you these are for the USB ports and the card reader for it front then this cable again pull from here it tells you that it’s an audio port came from here and it will tell you on the system board where it says audio now let’s remove motherboard to remove the system board there’s there screws that hold it on these screws are indicated by little circles throughout the system board and that holds it in place so it won’t it can’t move and once we remove the screws the system board should slide towards the front of the case and pull straight out I’m using the lightly magnetic tip screwdriver to kind of help some people don’t don’t necessarily think that should be used and if that’s the case you don’t feel comfortable with that then and don’t use them I’m sure whenever you’re putting these screws back in and you don’t you don’t over tighten them they just need to be tightened up enough to where it holds steady motherboard should lift straight up the other you have your system bored out you can replace your processor this is the easiest thing way to do it I like to put the processor and the heatsink on before I set you set my motherboard back in my box or or replace it the reason being is allow me one to handle the device a little easier and – I’m not confined in space so what I want to do is on every heatsink you’re going to find a fan that fan usually has a power cord and it’s usually plugged in to a power connector and it’ll tell you on the set on the system board where a CPU fan should be plugged into this is on an anti-static bag so that you don’t you know any static electricity to the system board unplug your power again just it you don’t have to yank on them just slightly pull them out there’s a screw inside of each one of these that you can remove the fan some people remove the fan or you can just remove it by this take that lever and you lift it up get you a flathead screwdriver push down and it releases it on this side once it releases from this side you can release it from that side and your whole processor should live right off of there now this the processor is mounted it’s not mounted but it’s stuck to the heatsink because of the heatsink paste take your screwdriver and lightly turn it and that should break it loose and that is your processor this is the on that it comes off uh locks it into place on each processor you have a row of pins to have a pattern inside you’ll notice that there’s four holes missing there’s also four holes on the system board itself on the processor socket when you match up your triangles you set it back down into place that pattern will match up you don’t want to force it it should drop right into place if you match up your triangles you lock it back down and you’re finished so let’s talk about the components on the system board this is your power main power from your power supply this is a IDE connector for the older IDE hard drives or CD ROMs this is a floppy drive connector just in case you have a floppy drive which they don’t really make hardly any more these are SATA connectors SATA stands for serial ata if you notice inside they they’re very distinctive your SATA 0 is your highest port that’s your main port where yours for your hard drive it plug to and then you have your SATA 1 2 3 on the other side for any others you have PCI slots you have a video port the only thing that fits in this port would be a video card PCI Express video card you also have a PCI Express 2 which is another video card these pin outs up here is where you would plug your front panel for your power switch and your your front speaker the LED lights this is your USB ports you’ll notice what it says up here these are both your USB connectors for the front this is a communications port in case you have a Communications card in the front you also have on the back you have audio ports which is your speaker microphone you headphone jacks you have an Ethernet connector for your network you have two USB ports here for more on this side you have a DVI port you have a VGA port both of these are video you have if you notice this one’s green and purple this is a ps2 port you can plug either a mouse or a keyboard and then you have two more USB ports on the front side your memory socket sockets you have two DDR memory slots right here this processor is an AMD processor you can tell because it says a m3 or a m2 plus this is your processor socket these are the mounts of your heatsink this is your gigabyte motherboard this is a chipset heatsink it keeps your chipset cold or cool then you have variety of capacitors and in resistors and different little chips on the board that will help you this is called a CMOS battery you have your audio port that’s basically the basic components of a system board and in all system boards are different some of them won’t have a floppy from ports and some of them will not have an IDE port anymore everything’s going to SATA drives you may not have a PC I mean a PCI Express connector anymore you may just have the PCI 2 you may not even have any PCI connectors this is your 4 port power connector which would supplies power to the processor and all the ports in the back here this power connector supplies ports to Howard everything else and that’s basically the components you have you have fans to plug in here on either side this is right here for spit if is is a surround sound IO right here another audio port and that should is your basic component now that we have everything apart we’re going to put everything back together we have our processor back in and it’s locked down the good thing to remember is the pace that you see on here any time you’re putting it putting a processor back on you want to add some type of thermal paste back on between the processor and the and the heatsink itself they kind of keep that that section cool so what we’re going to do is we’re going to turn this all the way back around just like we had it and we’re going to set it back in place we’re going to turn it we’re going to make sure that it’s locked down on this side here so when we turn it back the other side this portion we have pushed down on just a little bit before it locks into place now we’ve got this pushed down on both sides we’re going to lock the lever in place and that keeps this from moving now we take our power connector for port power connector it’s got the little slides so tells you which way it’s supposed to go and it slides all the way down to the bottom to you here connect now that we have this in place we can add our memory back as well the memory can go in on the outside just as just as easy as it can on the inside so we want to line up the grooves with the grooves that are in the in the system boards themselves you want to make sure that the grooves match up before you insert it we want to make sure our tabs are open on both sides there’s a rail that it goes into here and here and then you want to push down on both sides firmly until you hear it click if you have to you can put it on either one of them you have an additional memory you can add that to it as well this just has a single stick of memory in it and we’ll get into that further in another video what type of memory and what type of slot so now we’re ready to put this back into the system board and right back into the end of the computer so we take our case like we had before it’s empty and we want to add the system board back in so we’re going to lay it back down we’re going to put the motherboard the motherboard back in notice on the back cups your holes aligned where each one of the components go and it tells you where the keyboard or mouse and it tells you all the other things and we want to line the back of these with the ports that are on the back of this now any time you buy a system board this plate pops in and pops out so it doesn’t matter if you have a generic case and a generic motherboard you can pop this portion of the case out and put the one that comes with your new board in so it matches up so let’s set our case back down we want to take your system board make sure that your components are facing the back you want to go in in an angle moving all your cables out of the way you want to make sure that it matches up with all your components in the back make sure that nothing is poked out make sure that you’re all in the right place and you want to make sure that you can see your screw holes and that they’re matched up as well again when you’re putting your screws back in you don’t have to to bear down on them just make sure that they’re snug make sure that the system board will not move it doesn’t jump because as you plug components into it you don’t want it to shift the ones back here by the by the back of the system board are the ones that are a little more tough to get to because of the lip on here just you can use a shorter screw driver or an actual longer screw driver just to get the get your your screwdriver away from the edge there the main concern with the screws is you want to make sure that all four corners are tied down or anchored you can short a system board out with that with the wrong screw or with not having a screw added could get add a short to the system board which will cause your system board not to power up so make sure that you don’t have anything except for the brass inserts underneath where you’re screwing these two and once you have your brass inserts everything else should fall right into place okay we’re going to add the cd-rom back to your back to your system you want to make sure your SATA connectors the same ones that are on the board and system board the SATA and then your power say so you want to slide it in from the front until the front piece matches with the front of your case and your screw holes are lined up I’m going to take your screws you want to make sure that they’re snug you don’t want to you don’t want to have to bear down on them too hard you just want to be able to get them into place where it holds the cd-rom in place now that your CD ROMs in place we’re going to add the hard drive back your SATA connectors are on here this is power if you if you have IDE power and you don’t have SATA power this hard drive has both power connectors so you can add a power connector similar to this from your power supply if you need to or just use regular SATA power I’m going to add this back in what we want to do is we’re going to find our ledge where we want it we’re going to slide it back in notice our screw holes are lined up into the slots we can slide it all the way as far back as we want or we can bring it as far out as we need to the adjustment is purely up to you and the space that you have take your screw line it up and then slide either way now that these two components are back in we’re going to add the power supply we will add a PCI card all the other components are in but I want to add the power supply now to show you how everything plugs back into place power supply will go upside down this depends on the on the back angle you want to go in an angle up turn it straight slide it forward you want to match up your holes your screw hole like most power supplies there’s a Ledge on top underneath it will help you hold it in place when you’re ready to screw it in line up your screw holes and screw your power supply back in and this one you want to make a little more snug than the rest of them this sides this is all your power here so you want to make sure that it doesn’t does it come loose now your power supplies in snug it’s not going anywhere now let’s plug in our 24 pin power connector there’s 24 pins on your system board it has 24 pins your plug your squeeze pn is on this side right here that locks and unlocks them and there’s a there’s a ledge on the edge of your power connector there so you just line up your pins with the holes that are there and push until you hear a snap and it’s locked into place your four pin power connector again your clip there’s your power connector there there’s your clip there’s a Ledge on the lip on the edge you line up the holes it only goes one way it won’t go the other way and push until you hear it click into you that clip clicks now we want to add power to the rest of our system this is power so this is a power plug that we can add for the cd-rom add that power back again it only goes one way power for the power supper for the for the hard drive power is there now your SATA plugs say the plug for the cd-rom SATA plug for the hard drive exactly the same setup the difference is this one is kind of a 90-degree angle which allows it to to be put in this way the path of the system board I mean the hard drive doesn’t need it because you got more room over here they do this in tight spots where you can get to them a little easier so our hard drive 0 SATA to 0 is going to plug to the to the system board notice the l-shape on this one as well there’s the there’s a connector for it I’m going to push it till we Clint hear it click take this side again with the l-shape sideways a tail we’re going to plug it to the hard drive push it till you hear it click like that and we’re going to do the same thing for the cd-rom does it matter what for the cd-rom goes to there’s say 2 0 then theta 1 theta 2 and SATA 3 does not matter choose say to one the next drive in line feed your cable up and you plug it against your cd-rom you want to try to keep your cables as neatly as possible that way you’re they’re not running into your fans and you’re not cumbersome and then you have your other cables that plug into your system board as well so let’s start off with the audio cable and if you remember the audio plug was back here notice the pins on this have a certain pin out there’s there’s five pins then there’s three and number four is missing and we have five again on the other one as well the same pin out is on this we have five pins we have three one missing and then five so we will make sure we line those up correctly and push all the way down now we want to do the USB and the card reader notice the pin outs are a little different on this one you have five then you have four and then the last one’s missing on that side so you find your pin out the way you want it on here slide it into place do the same on this one slide it into place this is a power connector for a fan on on all power supplies your power connector the main power is going to go red then black then yellow anytime you plug in to another power connector you want to match up the colors and they snap right into place this one doesn’t have red and black so we want to find out we want to make sure that powers the red is going to this power here so we want to go ahead and slide it in place as well this is a power LED positive and negative this is our hard drive LED and this is our reset switch so those plug to this port right here you’re going to have to find where the color codes on this but if you’ll notice it tells you which where each one unplug into so if it’s closest to this it’s on this side if it’s farthest away it’s on the opposite side now that we’ve got our cables plugged in connectors for the front panel let’s uh let’s install the PCI card with a PCI card you are make sure it’s lined up in your empty slot and you push down here and it snaps into place and you’re screwed you got to add your screw back to it put your case back on last thing we do is put our panel back on make sure that the grooves line up of where they go slides right back on put your thumb screws back in and you are back to normal
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