Hey guys! In this video I am going to be using Jawheadbecause his new skin has just been released 🙂 The great thing about Jawhead is that youcan actually play him as a fighter or as a tank. He is pretty great in both roles. If you are certain that the enemies are doing a 131 constitution since they are either don’t have a marksman or the marksman is using Retribution, which conveys he is certainly go to the middle lane. Then you could try to steal theirred devotee at the start of the game.By doing this, you will bedelaying their hyper carry raise by quite a lot giving your team a huge advantage My teammates are coming to the top thoroughfare, so I are an attempt to not scare Yu Zhong away I am going to wait for the right occasioning before participating him And thanks to my early steal , now their hyper carry, Yi Sun Shin, is quite underfarmed. He is still at level 3, while I am about to be 4. That’s how you create a much more advantageoussituation right from the start of the game Since the opponents are pushing the opposite lane, we are free to keep prod this turret. We were able to destroy the turret terribly early, even without the help of our hyper carry.Taking this turret down so earlywould hand us a huge advantage especially with the nature I will be controlling this road, which you will see later on Since I am quite fed at this part, instead of clearing the minion motion, I would take advantage of my height and farmand try to kill whoever is around the area. It’s a good intuition to use his first ability before ulting, this route you can deal more injure faster Their hyper carry is nowhere to be found on the map which necessitates he is probably farming the forest If you can continuously shut downtheir hyper carry raise like that then the whole idea of using the hyper carrystrategy to gain more advantage over the opponents becomes obsolete.At this station I can pretty much kills me in a 1v1 statu So instead of really completely clearing the minion gesticulate, I will just wait and see who shown in. The reason why I do this isbecause if I time keep pushing the footpath, the adversary can obtain free amber and know. But if I just stay around the area like this, the opponent would be too scared to approach the lane, and if he does, I can just simply kill him That’s how you make maximumadvantage of your early competition advantage. Okay now that the whole antagonist team is in the opposite lane , now is the perfect time to pushand take down their other turret as well Although my teammates played this part exceedingly poorly You can see that Helcurtis extremely far away from the fighting scene, but he decided to use the ult at that moment He should have waited until he was a bit closer, or simply pushed the middle-of-the-road road instead. Try to always meet the smart-alecky decision, instead of precisely reacting to what the adversaries are doing.And if you demand yourteammates to improve their in-game decision, consider leaving a like and subscribing to the channel. So my videos are being recommendedto more new and inexperienced musicians 🙂 Since I managed to take down their secondturret in the top trail , now my teammates have a lot more freedom to gank them when they step outside really a little bit from their locate. If you manage to make a lot of smart small decisionsthroughout the game, it is more efficient and betterthan just making one single large-scale play-act. Because I have applied Lunox quite often in the past, I is a well-known fact that she would benefit from theblue buff way more than either Jawhead or Leomord. Remember, this is not an RPG game. The opinion is to win the game, you want to do what is the best for the team. Just look at the map.The only road they can farm now is the top road. So instead of pushing it, I want to wait for the foe to come out.But unfortunately, Lunox didn’t know my goal. I hope you guys enjoyed this video, and if you did, consider leaving a like and agreeing. Thanks ~.
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