if your PC gaming on Windows 10 and
you're either on an old potato computer that's very slow or you're even on the
latest and greatest high-end gear, then today's video is going to be the
tutorial and guide that helps you make Windows 10 as fast and snappy as
possible without doing any irreversible damage to
the OS itself though first thing is first we're going to be starting off
here with a fresh install of Windows so in order to make your fresh install of
Windows a bootable USB Drive you can then install Windows off of you just go
to Microsoft comm and download their media creation tool which I'll put the
link in the description below as of today they still don't have a 2004
creation bootable so you will have to install Windows and then after you do
this you will have to go to the update in Windows itself to update to version
2004 and if you can't currently see the update option for version 2004 then
either one of two things has happened and that is you don't have version 1903
or 1909 installed yet or your computer isn't ready for the update so if you've
made it through the update process and you are now on version 2004 then there
are a few things you can do and that is you can just check if you are on this
version by just typing in system info and then you can bring this up here and
it should actually say to you build 1904 one and this is actually a version 2004
so if you've got that version right there that means you are on Windows 2004
another thing is to about this current version is that there are quite a few
changes compared to 1909 1983 if you wish to know what changes they are I'll
put the link to the video up here that I recently did stating all those changes
and the last thing before we get into this tutorial as well is this currently
a lot of known bugs with version 2004 so if you're currently on a work PC and you
cannot afford any instabilities at all then I do not recommend upgrading at
this point in time to version 2004 though that aside it's now time to start
optimizing Windows for all you gamers and power users out there [Music]
so today we're working off a fresh install of Windows and what we're doing
here is when I first install Windows on pretty much any device I always
disconnect the internet this allows me to install Windows without having to
sign into a Microsoft account and I feel like this for me is a good thing it just
allows me to not only when I sell a PC the person can then put all their own
info in but when I personally use the PC I find that I don't have any cloud-based
apps that I feel put my PC in a laggy state so this is the reason why I do
this I want it basically all my stuff to be installed on my hardware so super
snappy and super fast another thing when you're first installing Windows is you
want to uncheck all these boxes there's seven boxes in total that it presents
you with and then on the next tab after you've restarted your computer you can
then decline Microsoft's device history as well this will then take you into
Windows but you will have to then update the version 2004 though once we're
moving on to this desktop right here you'll notice that we can now start
applying all the tweaks and tricks that we're used to doing so what we're gonna
do here is just go to settings tab and we're gonna start from the system itself
and going through I'm just gonna quickly go through all the settings that I use
personally and I like to leave on now one important thing is there's a
graphics setting right here that if we go in display and down to graphic
settings there's a thing called GPU scheduling and at this point in time I
am going to do a test on it but I'd recommend just living off for now you
can turn it on of course in the future and if you update your grabs card driver
and it appears there then it may be worth leaving on for you they straight
away with nightlight this is something I personally like to leave on it saves us
installing flux and it actually does a really good job my settings here I leave
it on 40 I scheduled nightlight and I set the hours from 7:00 p.m.
To 5:30
a.m. your mileage may vary of course depending on where you live in the world
you might want to customize it to how you like your nightlight the movie
through sound there's nothing there to change notifications and actions this is
one thing I like to completely just turn off altogether
because I don't like any suggestions or tips or tricks from Microsoft and it
just turns off services that I usually don't need basically next up here is
focus assist I like to turn this off and I like to turn all these other boxes off
here then we move on to power and sleep and this is a pretty important one
depending on what device you are on I always like to leave it on high
performance mode and then I go to change advanced settings and I like to change
this right here to turn off hard drive to zero then go down quickly to sleep
and allow hybrid sleep I like to turn this off and the reason being is because
some computers especially when I'm flipping a PC some of the PCs I'm
flipping can have problems with hybrid sleep another thing you can do is turn
this slide show here to paused that's just how I like to set my power
settings and then we can close that down next up here is storage and we can move
down to the optimized drive tab setting here because this one is actually a bug
that's been going around some people get affected by this heavily and I like to
manually optimize my drives regardless it's one thing that I've been doing so
being left click on the change settings here and then left click on run on a
schedule and then click OK now it'll be off and so if we need to optimize our
drive here we can just click optimize it's done now how I usually do this is
after I delete a lot of my temporary files on my desktop which I use for
video editing on this computer behind me I then optimize my drive after that so
that's an easy way to do that apparently there's a problem where it'll just keep
optimizing your drive more way more frequent than you need and if specially
if you're in the middle of a game that's not a good thing moving through now we
can skip to tablet we can then move on to multitasking this is up to you I
personally like to leave all the snap windows off because I stream and I put
multi min windows through different monitors snapping just really like
affects how I can stream and stuff especially on my main rig though if you
like snapping definitely leave it on timeline I like to turn this suggestions
tab off here moving through projecting to this PC there's nothing there shared
experiences there is a setting here that I like to turn off and that is let apps
on other devices open and message apps on this device
and vice-versa so it's basically just taking off this share control anything
that can really annoy you and bring up a service that you don't need we want to
be turning that off now clipboard history I like to actually leave this on
personally on my main rig this is something that I leave on because I find
it's extremely handy tool when you copy pasting for instance when I sell stuff
on gumtree and Facebook I like to just copy stuff across from the Facebook ad
to the gum tree add in two different titles or three different titles and so
that's actually very handy I personally like to leave that on remote desktop I
don't use that I don't need it so I leave it off and then we can go back now
and we're gonna move through so that's the system tab all done we can now move
through the devices tab now bluetooth if you have a Bluetooth device connected to
your PC leave this on I don't have any Bluetooth devices currently connected to
my benchmark rig this is the one I'm optimizing so I'm going to turn it all
off that's just a service that we no longer need running printers and
scanners it's the same thing if you don't need your printer on you can just
protect that off let windows manage my default printer if you don't have one
but since I am using a printer on my main PC I would leave this on Mouse we
can have now cursor speed so this is a new feature to Windows 10 2004 and you
can change your cursor speed in increments of 1 to 20 as opposed to the
original 1 to 11 which that option still does exist in Windows itself it's just
you've now got an additional layer where you can change your cursor speed even
more so it's great if you've got a mouse that doesn't have big I mean small dpi
adjustments so you may wish to play with that but um scroll inactive Windows
whenever I hover over them I like to turn this off that just enables me then
to essentially have all my scroll windows showing up so they're not hiding
now the next thing here typing this pretty much gets it right from the
get-go you don't have to change anything there same with pen and Windows ink
autoplay this is a service that I like to turn off because it's actually been
made to be an individual service on its own there remains active so I turn that
off nowadays because I just don't use it USB as well notify
when they're issues connecting to this USB device I'd take this off I don't
need any services running in the background that is just waiting there
and especially if you're on a potato computer hogging resource so that's
devices done phone unless you've got a phone connected to your PC there's
nothing here to share network is an interesting one because if you're using
a LAN cable like I do in my studio then I can just turn off Wi-Fi completely
though of course if you need Wi-Fi make sure you leave that on but one important
setting that I think you should turn off is let me use online sign up to get
connected so we just take that off it's a useless setting unless you use it of
course but it's one that I just turn off personally going through here dial-up
VPN all this other stuff I like to turn this off airplane mode we don't need
that basically cuz we're on a desktop computer right we're changing all these
settings to a desktop power user they're going through personalization there's
not much to do here besides making your own custom windows look the way you want
see here I like to change this to red that's the recent color in terms of
background I'd like to upload my own image which is not currently on this PC
and then we can go down to start here and I like to turn all these off except
for show recently added apps so that way you know if something is has been
recently added in your Start menu just so you're not fooled by anything if
something's secretly installed on your PC you be able to know what it is then
we move over to taskbar and this is an important one because I like to take
this off replace command prompt with Windows PowerShell so basically when you
hit Windows X key which I do use you can quickly bring up remote command prompt
admin but if you have this on it'll bring up PowerShell admin so I like to
turn that off and I like to take off show badges on the taskbar and then
we've got this one here I like to never combine my buttons on my taskbar so that
just essentially shows me all the programs that are open in my taskbar
which is something I've always done ever since I've used Windows so moving on now
we've got apps and this is another important one because I believe this is
the optional features we now get full control over what we can uninstall from
Windows here so you guys can just go through and uninstall all this stuff
that you don't need that was previously just on your computer and so if you're
not printing which I'm not on this rig I can take off my print management console
WordPad I used notepad persley Windows Media Player we can get rid of that
Windows hello face if you're using this on a phone Windows Phone you may wish to
leave that on especially on a laptop if you're using
hello sign in but these are the things that I just get rid of because I don't
need them and so fax and scan another important one if you're scanning
documents and your computer special print console but if you're not doing
any of that you can get rid of that stuff and you can add these features
back later so again this is all reversible you can change that and add
it back in the future now after you've done with that you can go through and
remove any of these add like apps that you just if you don't use them you can
just get rid of them I actually calculated pretty important I like I
like calculator when we're gonna leave that on but farm heroes and saga
feedback hub I mean this is just all crap and more crap groove music I'm
pretty sure everyone uses Spotify anyway mail and calendar I mean I use outlook
personally Maps I wish I could get rid of that but I can't onedrive is just I
use Google's thingamajig and Google Drive so yeah that's what I use with
that so solitaire I don't play it my parents do so I'd leave it on their
computers but just going through getting rid of all the crap here all the crap
it's going it's going office I do use that on my main PC so
you just basically saying do I need this program if you don't need it I use
original paint to over paint 3d but do you need these programs if you don't
need them you're just getting rid of them to clear up clutter and clear up
crap on your desktop and believe me look how much this is just more and more
every windows update there's just more and more of this stuff so we're just
going through here and I just don't need this stuff if you're an Xbox use it
though if you connect your Xbox to your PC you might want to leave these Xbox
services on and especially with the game bar when we get on to that later though
default apps once you've installed your browser so if you've got Google Chrome
you can change that to Google Chrome also we can go you know Microsoft edge
so we've got that we'll just do that for now now going down to offline maps we
can left-click it delete all maps and automatically update apps we can turn a
map sorry turn that off and then move on to apps
for websites I'd like to turn these off I don't want any services running in the
background video playback they get that right we
know security notification icon I just turn that off
and start up it helps free up some stuff and we've uninstalled onedrive before so
we just did ourselves a favor now we can move on to accounts and this is your
info right if you've signed in with a Microsoft account you can change all
your stuff here same with your email and accounts but again as we said before we
don't have to worry about any of this stuff
because we haven't had a sign-in account on Microsoft though if you do sign in
with an account and you're using different windows 10 devices you can
leave this option on because then if you've done all this whole Windows 10
tutorial you can log into your Microsoft account and it'll apply those settings
to that particular device so that's is the beauty of Windows 10 it is getting a
lot better than that regard but because I have only two computers I got my
benchmark rig and my main rig I just leave this off I used to have my travel
rig but with what's going on around the world at the moment I ain't gonna be
doing any traveling for some time to come who knows how long
anyhow moving through the rest of these tabs there's nothing worth mentioning
here so we can go back to the main settings tab and we can go to time and
language now one thing is I like to do this quick trick and that is set time
automatically so I can turn it on it sets it automatically then after that I
like to turn it off so basically it's not a process in the background that's
automatically syncing to Microsoft every time my clock ticks a minute or a
second over so that's one thing you can do I personally do it on all my rigs I
just leave the time like once it's already set to what it is I leave it off
region you can make sure your regions all set properly
they're too aware of a country living in there is no actual English Australia
there's only English UK and English United States for the actual core OS so
I just after that do English Australia anyhow we're now
moving on to the gaming tab here where if you've got an Xbox and you like the
Xbox game bar then you can leave this setting on I like to turn it all off I
don't need this I don't need the captures as I personally use invidious
capturing program shadow play and I just like to take all this off personally
because I use a different program so if you're using this you might want to do
it as for game mode I like to turn this off it's something that I don't need I
have found in the past that it does help really old computers but it just depends
I think in this time around because we've got GPU scheduling we can turn
that off and we turn everything off and intend and we'll just have it raw OS so
that's something we'll do for now and then going over to east of access we can
left-click this because this is actually got some really cool settings that
aren't really to do with performance so much but more so to do with aesthetic
but we'll take off in the first display tab I like to take off the show
animations in Windows if you're on a really old computer you may wish to take
off show transparency in Windows but because I like my windows looking a
little bit bling worthy I like to leave this on personally I'd like to also take
this one off automatically hide the scroll bars and windows just so I know
I've got my scroll bars there I'm not too fussed on having those scroll bars
showing up it sort of reminds me a bit of the old-school windows and I used to
like that show desktop background image of course I prefer that but if you want
to make a raw snappy windows as fast as possible I want to take both of these
off but I find they're just they're basically not a service that's pinging
to a Microsoft server all the time so these two aren't too bad though now
moving down to mouse pointer you can see that this mouse icon this whole video
has been big and the reason it's been so big is because you can now change your
mouse pointer size and you can also customise it so we're seeing here I'm
customizing this big time here making it the big mouse I'm not gonna make it too
big but you can also change the color of it too
so we've got just the custom color day you can make it transparent if you want
to I like to take this off show visual feedback I don't need that it's okay
I don't need your visual feedback Microsoft I'm all good here so leave
that as it is then we can move down to text cursor of course if you're on a
normal like after this video I'm gonna change it back down to like the smallest
size I think it looks really cool I can definitely see my cursor more easily
than I could before though now moving on to tax cursor this is a really cool one
that you may notice that I've left it on as well we can see here that I like to
make it nice and big around 4 and change it to pink and that way whenever there's
a textbox that's active these two little things will come up and I can see that's
where I that's where I'm on at the moment so really handy feature I
actually really like the addition of text cursor in Microsoft Update 2004
then we got magnifier I personally don't use this so if you're into using this
then you can customize these settings yourself but I have to turn everything
off with that same with color filters this one's really good if you're
colorblind of course something managed to look into with high contrast but I
leave all these off I am slightly colorblind but it's to a real light
shade of pink which I really don't have a whole lot of problems unless I'm
playing some types of video games but moving over here now to no radar it's
off by default and so we can just leave that off if you want to use narrator as
well you can have that on but this has had a massive update with us so many
options now for you to change in narrator itself so if you're using the
radar its received a big update you can see here I'm just going through taking
off all this stuff because I don't use narrator personally it's more for
something I use when I'm in my car with my smartphone so with you know
voice-activated commands are going through audio there's nothing really
here to change and same with the rest of these options here this is nothing here
to really worry about the movie row to search now I like to personally go into
search here and I like to take off the settings work or school account
Microsoft account the moderate setting is actually pretty cool I find the safe
search moderate settings pretty cool search history on this device I like to
turn that off I like to also clear the device history when I doing that and
then we move over to searching Windows the classic setting here has had an
improvement to it as well with the indexed items so leave that on classic
though if you like you more enhanced setting you can turn that on if you've
got a really powerful computer and you're constantly searching for things
on Windows though turning that leaving that on classic is the best option for
me personally though now we can move over to privacy and here's where I just
like to turn pretty much everything off here I don't like Windows having
anything to do so we're going through these tabs and we're just pretty much
turning off all this stuff and we can delete the diagnostic data as well as
going to feedback frequency here and going and selecting left click never
that's an important one because we don't want Windows asking for feedback we
don't want a service running in the background as well trying to pop up out
of nowhere now we go down to active activity history we can left-click store
my activity history on this device like to take that off and also like to clear
it at the same time and then moving down through location there's nothing really
here to change because we turned a lot of these settings off when we first
installed Windows with those checkboxes but now moving down to camera and
microphone if you use a camera and microphone be very careful here to make
sure that the apps that you're using with your camera art selected to off but
so it's one of those things where on my main desktop I'm gonna leave this on
same with my microphone right with Adobe Premiere Pro even though it's not
installed on this thing if you don't use a web camera then you can just turn that
off completely right if you don't use a microphone to you can turn that off but
if you're using disk or with a microphone definitely leave this on but
I still like to take it off from katana because we're not using katana and I
like to take it off from Microsoft edge because I'm not using that it's only
really my games and our discord that's using my microphone and as well as Skype
on my main PC but we just don't install that on this PC but moving now through
voice activation I like to turn that off as we said before we don't really use
these settings I only use them on my smart phone notification we can
left-click and allow apps to access your notifications to turn that off going
through account settings here but I like to just turn all this stuff off I don't
want anyone accessing my personal information and I don't
on any sort of services running in the background that could access what I'm
about so we're going through here and we're pretty much turning all these off
and just useless services that I don't use personally and I don't need then we
will stop here background apps because this one's pretty important where we've
got here if we turn all this off then we might come into some little problems
especially if we've got other apps installed I personally like to take off
all the apps that I'm not going to use and so even if they're running they're
not running in the background so I'll leave the Nvidia control panel on
because I use an Nvidia graphics card it's pretty important to leave that one
on app Diagnostics I like to turn this off automatic file downloads is nothing
there documents I like to turn this setting right off here and then moving
through the picture library off and then that turns all these other extra
features off same with video allow access there bang off in the last one
file system allow apps to access your filesystem off and then we can get back
to the main tab iam we've got one more to go through in the window setting
that's update and security we can left-click this right here because there
is some important changes here and the best one for me personally is the
delivery optimization we can personally change this to anything we want I'm just
gonna limit Microsoft to 10 megabits per second when they are updating my PC so I
think that's a good setting it's new to 2004 Windows security is another
important tab this one here has a new deep scan within it but if we left click
on that icon like we just did there so I left click that again
threatened virus protection we've got the scan options there's a new scan if
you think something's wrong with your PC you can do a full scan that way but what
I like to do here is virus and threat protections I like to left-click on this
right here and I'll leave real protection on but I'd like to turn all
the rest of these off so automatic sample submission and tamper protection
I find I don't need these personally and then in terms of other settings through
here I find I'll leave them all under fault
there is another settings tab here in exploit protection which if we left
click on that I've got some really advanced settings which I personally
haven't test yes so I won't know how they perform
with games so we're just gonna leave that one for now and I will come back
with the video same with that and GPU scheduling and see how much of a
difference they make on the rig itself though that's the most important tab in
this Windows Update as a security so coming off Windows security that's about
all we have to change here because there's nothing left to change in that
tab now we're finished with the Windows settings we can go back to our main
desktop and we're going to apply some quick tweaks here to the services tab so
we just type in here services left click services don't app and I like to change
this to running because every time I install Windows and every time you
update windows there's always these two settings they always appear connected
user experiences and telemetry properties I like to open this up here
and then left click disable apply and then stop and then go okay and same with
this one here distributed link tracking client right click that left click
properties go left click disabled left click stop and then apply and then those
two services I find they are really annoying they're the most – especially
if you're on a old hard drive this can speed things up just that little bit and
they just keep coming back every time you update Windows or install Windows
after that we can then go to MS config and then left click system configuration
go to left click boot tab no GUI boot and applet click apply then after that
we can then go type here left click and type in system and we should see this
one right here system left click that and then we can go to our advanced
system settings and of course this is what we do every time we install windows
here around check your city we just pretty much make it so it's snappy but
it still looks good so we can see there you just copy those settings and that'll
just make things very fast we already see that taking effect and it's just
making Windows more snappy and then this one here we go startup and recovery and
left quick time to display operating systems that will just make it boot up
that little bit faster system protection it's usually off by default and then
remote tab here I don't know why this is always left on by
fault that I like to take this off just in case a hacker wants to gain advantage
it to your system and then we left click okay and at that stage we are pretty
much good to go and with all that out of the way that's
about it for optimizing the core of Windows 10 on 2004 these are the
services and everything that I turn off personally that I feel makes a
difference and of course if I've got something or I come into a problem in
the future I can always reverse the steps and turn them back on the last
couple of things I like to do when I install Windows on a fresh install is
install VLC media player for playing videos and music that's manual files and
also Google Chrome for browsing the net and with all that aside if you guys
enjoyed today's optimization tutorial then be sure to hit that like button for
us and if you have any tips or tricks of your own be sure to drop a comment in
the comment section below if you need any help and be sure to drop a comment
in the comment section below because around tech air city we're all about
helping out one another and if you guys enjoyed this content and you've stayed
this far and you know yet subbed and you want to see the videos the moment they
drop then be sure to hit that sub button ring that bell to get the videos the
moment they drop and I'll catch you guys in another tech video very soon peace
out for now bye [Music] you