How to Stay Safe Online

so i can see the chat as well so welcomeeverybody okay thanks for joining us i’m sorry aboutthe uh little complications at the beginning but we’ve got there anyway inthe end um just a little brief i am using twoscreens so i’m just i may look like i’m not looking at youand i’m looking at the top screen but that’s just how it is today so umyou’ll see the little icon there what i’m trying to do to try and make it asinteractive as possible i’m gonna on some of the slides you’llsee the little icon there which will invite hopefully some answersfrom yourselves we’ll use the chat button to go alongwith but by all means just unmute yourselfif you want to ask questions but i’m hoping at the end that we’ll have plentyof time anyway so in the chat i hope everybody can hearus if you’ve got any problems please use that and we can pick it upas we go along as well so a little bit about myself as you can see on thereum in a nutshell basically what i am is an ex-police officerand i’ve got a wealth of experience um covering a whole host of umareas as well but for the last three and a half yearsi’m the senior manager and family practitioner advisor for get safe onlineum so let’s have a look then so i don’t know about you but um i’mactually from wales as well so we are actually still in partial lockdownum and it’s an absolute nightmare as wellum because i live literally on the border soit gets confusing sometimes of where the border is do we wear masks do we notwear masks and there’s so much going on ineverybody’s lives as well um at the local councils they’re recordingthat there’s a 40 per cent increase in reported scams sincelockdown and citizen’s advice what they’re sayingis one in three people are likely to become a victim regardingthe Covid scams as well our cyber criminalsthey’re taking full advantage of our uncertainties and our upsets as welland they’re jumping on the bandwagon and exploiting all the um the scamsaround these sort of things as well which it is worrying times so can i just ask who have you who ofyou out there have heard of get safe onlinebefore you actually saw the adverts there can you just pop that in youin the chat there yes or no if you’ve already heard about uswell just as a way of an introduction we are a non-for-profit organizationwe work with or in partnership with government and leading organizations aswell what we do is supply free completelyfree impartial advice and as you can see upthere it’s simple language it’s easy to use and it is just oneclick away from from answers basically and it actuallystays up there new to the internet well new to the internet that isactually for people who are very computer savvy as well it may be thatyou’ve just got a new device and you’re not quite sure how to set it upor you may just have some questions around it as well so justthere’s ten points on there but it’ll take you to a wealth of information onthere so it’s well it’s good so that’s interesting and notmany of you heard about us so obviously after today what we wouldlike you to do is go away and talk to your family and friendsabout us and explain to them about how they need to keep themselvessafe and the families safe as well now the site has listened to two we haveum the individual so it’s for you and asyou can see i’ve just clicked on here which is the protecting your computerand there’s a whole host of drop down boxes there for you as well but if youmove along you’ve got protecting yourselfand you’ve got all sorts of little tabs on thereand what we also have is a business section or for those of you who areworking in charities that’s the section there which you mayfind um more in-depth details for you as well looking at hardware and devicesinformation security and guidelines rules and procedures aswell so it’s all there for you and it is freeso these are the areas that we’re going to be looking at as you can imagineum for an hour and a half it’s it’s such a short time to cover such an immensesubject um but i hope you realize that aftertoday um that you’re not gonna we’re not gonnacover everything but you will go away and look at thethe website but more importantly talk to your family and friends abouthow they can try and protect themselves and keep themselves safer as wellso after today it is a whistle stop tour catch your breathgo away grab a brew and then just start looking at the website as well so i could have sat for hours and hoursadding extra things onto this as the news keepsturning around and keep coming in there’s hundreds and hundreds ofscams out there and the headlines every day we seesomething regarding cybercrime people being scammed blackmailsbusinesses being held to ransom data breaches and so so much more it’sjust so worrying out there as well so we’re going to look at five keypoints these are the routes that fraudsters criminalswhatever you want to call them um will get into your lives and intoyour online lives as well door stop callers unsolicited letterswell these are the gateways to the scams and potentially the reason why we saythat is because i’ll explain as we go alongis because um you may have to have given your telephone number outor you may have had to give an email address um to one of these two thingsso that then enables the criminals to pass this information to other peopleum and then you will start getting emails telephone calls and thingsand then you’ve got your phone calls text messages and onlinephishing emails that sort of thing but as i say we’ll go into more details withall these as well so looking at the door stop frauds wellborges tradesman door-to-door door-to-door sales peoplethese all involve fraudsters trying to scam you out ofnot with it coming up to your door knocking on your door and trying to getyou to do something and they use pressure kind ofsales and they have overpriced goodsum many use of standards as well um but what i would say to you is thatwe also have a lot of local businesses usingum social media to advertise their businessesand to drum up customs and a lot of them are legitimate as wellso it is important that you actually do your homeworkremember um fraudsters may also bill you for work that you didn’t agree to youhave got a cooling off period and you it’s 14 days and which means ifyou had sent you set up a bank account or you paid themyou do have a cooling off period so please do look at that as wellso someone tips up on your doorstep what actually do you dowell always ask for identification before you letanybody into your house and always ask them to come back if you’re on your ownespecially if you’re elderly and ask them to come back to time whichis more suitable for you and preferably when you can get somebodyto sit with you as well check the credentials includingpermanent business addresses so if they’re giving youa piece of paper with their address on there check itcheck companies house do your um do your research look at the landline telephonenumbers if they’re giving you mobile telephonenumbers and a business card have a look at that is it apay-as-you-go number as well take control by asking questions ask forreferences from previous customers or examples of the work and take it upgo and actually go to somebody’s house where they say they’ve done the workspeak to the neighbors as well of where they’ve actually been workingjust to see as what they feel and how their views are as welldon’t sign on the spot shop around get three examples and you certainlydon’t want to be ripped off as well and if you are suspicious ask thesalesperson if you can maybe take the photograph ora photograph of the van that they’re usingif they are genuine many of them won’t mind this at alland what should you do then well if the if you do think you’ve beentargeted then you can report it to action fraudor you can talk to somebody on customers directthe telephone number is on there they’re linked to the trading standardsauthority as well speak to the citizens advice bureauthey’re very very helpful they’ll be able to help you with terms andconditions and that sort of thing before you actually sign anythingand if you have gone that one step further you’ve paid byif you can pay by credit card and or if you’ve given thema check or something like that speak to the bank straight awayand they can be able to advise you about counselling and where you can gofrom there as well and then looking at unsolicitedletters well um this list goes on and on and onit’s just unbelievable and many people out theremay do their shopping um through um catalogues and things likethat now if that’s the case they are going tobe putting their telephone numbers on there but potentially going to beputting their email addresses so that receipts can be sent that waybut just think about if you get a letter and it’s delivered to your addressand it’s just addressed as householder or homeownerit may be offering a fantastic prize or as you can see up thereoffers offers to lotteries and that sort of thingonce you’ve replied your details potentially go on what we call a suckerslist and that list is then sold on toother people other criminals other databasesor the companies and then the floodgates are openand you’ll get huge amounts of letters it has been knownthat people who want to start down this trackthat they get hundreds and hundreds of scan mails a daynow you may have heard of jessica basically jessica what she did umher mum um jessica her mum marilyn the daughter in 2017 she founded acharity to help protect elderly and vulnerablepeople like her mum because as you can see on there her mumwas targeted she thought she was going to win and thelottery and get lots and lots of money and what she keptdoing is just responding to the letters andjust paying a small admin fee 10 pound 15 pound 20 pound 25pound it kept going on and on and on so what i would say tothat because then she was told and to keep itto herself to keep it private and her daughterwasn’t able to do anything about it at the startand it was only when she passed away that she actually realized the fulldepth the website up there is really worthhaving a look so if you know somebody who’s elderly who’s maybe showing signsof these sort of things sit down and go through the film withthem it takes about 20 minutes but hopefully make them realize thatthey’re not on their own and there is something that can be doneabout it and we know that 50 of people age 65plus have been targeted by these sort ofscammers and the average age of a scam victimaround these scams are 75.So we know our criminals are preyingon the vulnerable and the elderly and the victims are often lonelyand these sort of criminals become their friends and their lifeline as wellscammers will use bullying tactics they will use friendship tacticsthey’ll do whatever they can to hook the person inand we also know that only five percent of this sort of scamis actually reported so there’s hundreds thousands millions potentially out therethat we don’t even know about and at the bottom you’ll see about silver line wellsilver line is absolutely fantastic that was has been founded by estherransom and it is free and it is confidentialand it may just give the confidence to preferably uhpersonally an elderly person who doesn’t want to talk to theirtheir own relatives or family to be able to reach out and talk to somebody else so now we’re just going to have a lookat online and what actually does it mean so we’ve got so many scams out thereand so many people are falling foul of these scamsbut first of all i just want you to think about your own behaviors and askyourself these questions i’ll give you a couple of minutes or acouple of seconds just to put your answers in the chat there and i’m justgoing to have a look at some of the chats what you’ve read or what you’veput out there already while you’re thinking about that okay looking at most of you are sayingthat you know enough or um the bees there okayyou may know enough well let’s have a look at the a not enoughokay not much at all you think you can get by or at least youcan watch a youtube video to get you there and get you some helpand for those of you putting b enough to protect yourself in theorganization you may have the knowledge but you would you report it if you didactually become a target if you were becoming a victimdo you know how to report it would you feel confident enough in reporting itwhat about an expert okay not many no nobody’s put the expert i’m glad idon’t even say i’m an expert on there but in this day and age i think it doestake a brave person to actually say they are an expertbecause it’s a catch-up game our criminals are operating at afast rate out there and it is impossible to keep ahead of themas well so let’s have a look and again i just want you to think aboutwhat actually what do you do online what devices areyou using and what are your worries and concerns because i hope thattoday we will be able to address many of you your concerns if you’ve got them aswell so again just pop down your answers onthere what’s your main device that you areactually using at the moment not at the moment right now but what doyou like doing what do you reach for is it your smartphoneis it your tablet okay we’ve got work laptop phones smartphones okay yeah social media is up there as you can seebecause it’s obviously everybody you can all see the answers there as welland what are your worries what are you worried about why have you come on tothis session this morningso when i was asking you and when you were looking about it um about yourdevices did any of you think about the smartdevices okay because smart devices we actuallytake for granted and it can be so easy to forget aboutthem but it is worth looking about the smart devicesand how it can potentially compromise you and your familyso apart from your data being intentionally shared by smart devicesthere is an additional risk for devices um communication surveillanceso example your smart speakers or your cameras evenand it’s wonderful that you may have a fridge that canorder the fact that you’ve not put your milk bottle back in thereuh gosh i say milk bottle how old am i um or your carton of milkbut what happens if you come home one day and yourfridge has been compromised and it’s been turned off and everything’s alldefrosted there as well and what about baby monitors we’ve seenin the press um about baby monitors how they’ve beencompromised and how parents have gone into thechildren’s room and they’ve heard music playing or evenvoices um now that is really really scaryso as a starting point it is essential that you change your passwords from themanufacturer’s default and that you actually do register it andso register the warranty so that if there are any updates then at least it’sbrought straight away to your attention as welland just be aware of buying cheap or secondhandsmart devices um because they may not be manufactured um to the high standardthey may be replicated ones um and they may have been tampered withalready so just be careful of that as wellso remember anything you can connect to the internet can becompromised it can be hacked and it can be corruptedso we’ve got a complete section on the website about smart devicesso it is worth just having a look on there as well about how to change yourum settings and that sort of thing now that’s worrying from larry there youput my niece’s walkie-talkies recently picked up the police radiookay and yeah that has uh that does happen as well it’s that’s thefrequency band not the internet but it’s uhit’s still slightly concerning yeah well yeah yesit is on there as well um i know when i’ve used walkie-talkies in the past iused to always get um in some of the events i do we used toalways pick taxis taxi taxi um um comments coming throughas well which is quite interesting so and when i asked about um what do youdo what do you like doing online i think acouple of you put actually social media down on therewell normally when we ask this question it’s shopping is usually on the listthat’s usually right at the top on there but let’s face itthe internet is fantastic we can do absolutely anythingwe can go to places where we never even dreamed of andespecially with the vis the virtual reality umglasses now you can it brings to life everythingi’m not sure if any of you’ve used the google um where you canlook at animals in 3d and actually bring them into your home as wellnow that that is absolutely cool especially if you’ve got little childrenaround as well but when you’re online and you’relooking on your whichever search engine you’re using um the searchengines potentially keep your data up to sixmonths now that means um or you often wonderwhy you’re on social media and all of a suddenyou’ve been looking at flights or you’ve been looking at shoes or something andthen all of a sudden you’re getting all these adverts forfor everything that you’ve been looking at they talk when you sign up tosomething you give permission for it to be allowedto be shared and it’s about giving a betterexperience online so the search engines say it’s googlewill try and preempt what you’re looking for and what you’redoing so they will they will they will target you with adverts so itis essential you look at your settings which we’ll talk about in a bitand actually minimize how um you can be targeted for thesesort of things as well um it’s about the pop-ups and and howyou can minimize them as well and again ifyou’re only using when we’re looking at devices some of you are saying you’reusing your work devices as well um but how about if you’ve only got onelaptop laptop in your family in your familyhome and other people are using that laptop andespecially if children are using it do your children have a separate profileon your laptop so that things are just age appropriatefor that for that child because if you can imagine your searchengines are saving your things what you’re looking for inshopping or or your history and all that sort of thingpotentially that child if you haven’t got a separate profilethe pop-ups will still be there they could click on themand that opens up the whole floodgates of things as well thanks larry for putting up there thethe lines there as well the uh the website address just as a reminder so these are the threats they’reuniversal and some have been around for many many years they are old butcriminals are still using them and they use them because they work andthey play on our lack of awareness and they exploit our weaknesses on hereso we are going to look in in more detail of most of them but justpicking up on some of them now and rogue apps it’s easy to create a newapp and redirect people to that app and without you actuallyrealizing that it’s a dodgy one basicallyso be careful where you actually get your apps from make sure you’redownloading them from a reputable site and what aboutgeolocation well fitness apps social media when takingphotographs these all identify potentially where you areat any given time there are some positive reasons to keepthem switched on um but i would really ask yourselfis it worth it do you really need your location switched on umwe’ve just seen recently um within the last couple of weeks about garmin sothat everybody uses the garmin fit fitness apps fitness productsthey were hit um by a potential ransomwareand what the fraudsters are saying there is that they’re going tolaunch or release the data out there anyway onto the dark web as welland then lost to stolen what would you do if you start if your phone was stolenor if you lost would you panic because let’s face it umthe majority of us with our smartphones that’s what we first reach for that’sthat contains absolutely everything it’s it’s a mini computer in our pocketsbasically so do you know about wiping how to wipeit clean um do you know how to locate your phoneif it was um if it was lost and just be mindful andjust have a look at this do you need to have everythingon your phone your smartphone just think aboutdo you need all their maps on there as well have a look and then we’redownloading downloading be wary of what you do downloadbecause people can hide things behind the files of whatever they call themso say something appears um on a message or an email that’s come toyour phone and it’s saying it’s a clip from themfrom the movies underneath that clip of the movie supposedlycould actually be malware and then you’ve got on the list complacencyand lack of confidence well with that you may think it will never happen toyou or you’ll deal with it when it happenswell then please think again because it probably already has happenedbut you aren’t actually aware of it yet i’m just going to pause there for alittle minute um just having a look at the things i thinkwe all do to a lot of these first step isto on this call to start with safer sorryright what i will do if there are any um questions that are coming up through thechat at the end of it i will go back throughthem and and we can we can look at them or as i say if youfeel most of them what you’re asking for nowthere are answers on the website for you thereforeso um you will be able to click in and have a lookso let’s just have a look what actually is at stake for youwell i’m sure most of you will know somebody um even if it’s just acolleague who’s actually been subjected to afinancial loss well many of you may thinkthat um you know where do we go from here who do we ask what do we do if youare targeted and you may think about financial lossyou may think that actually is the worst thing that could actually happen to youwell imagine if your bank account has beenum compromised and say a hundred pound has been taken out of your accountthe majority of you probably wouldn’t think about ringing the police orsomething else you would ring your bank first andrightly so and then you would hope that the bankwould deal with it and that you’d get your money backand that would be the end of it but what aboutidentity loss with identity loss many of you wouldn’t know that your identity hasbeen taken or being used unless you actually thenstart to maybe want to take out a lawn or maybe a newcontract with for a phone and then when you do that you get to the shop and theshop will you’ve been rejected you can’t have um a credit loan orsomething like that and that could be because somebody hasactually taken your identity and with identity it can take forevereven years to actually prove um that you hadnothing to do with it and to build your credit store store upagain and make sure that you are actually theperson who you are time loss lotsrelation for that that means that um once you realize you’ve been a victim itcan take you a long time to actually come to termswith it that’s where the emotional upset comes in thereas well you blame yourself you blame others umyou feel ashamed you feel embarrassed you feel silly you should have knownbetter and then you’ve got to take time offwork you’ve got to ring the banks you’ve got to queue upand especially with kobe 19 as it is you can never get through and to anybody aswell and it’s very difficult and as i say your credit ratings it’s upto you to prove that you actually have nothing to do with it andyou then have to start building your credit rating up as well um miss fury you’ve just put thereyou’re surprised about how many identity nameson social media and well we will look at social media as wellas we go along on there so i hope i can put your mind at rest with some of thatwhat you’ve put there as well well this slide is just to to remindeverybody that it is everybody’s responsibilitybecause 80 percent of data loss is caused by human errorand that’s something that we’ve actually done so with watching this presentationwith taking part which is what you’re all doing now which is absolutelybrilliant um you will be hopefully go away fromtoday have a look at our website but moreimportantly you will talk to your friendsyour family and get them to actually start doing things as wellbecause no matter how tight you lock down everything you doit may be your friends who become the back door to get into youand to your online world so let’s just have a look at these sowe’ve got Phishing Smishing and Phishing and you may or may not haveheard of these terms well phishing it’s kind of an onlineidentity theft it uses emails and fraudulent websitesthat are designed to steal your personal detail and your informationsuch as credit cards bank details passwords and that sort of thingand smishing is a form of fraud that uses mobile phonesand mobile phones with text messages and they want to get you to umrespond to the text message what they’ve actually sent you so click on the linkthat they sent you or it may be a telephone number on therefor the for you to ring and then you’ve got wishing well that’swhen somebody rings you and they’re trying to get you to giveyour personal details your bank details over there as well but it’s all aboutsocial engineering criminals use social engineering tacticsbecause it’s easier um to exploit your nature your trustingnature they’ll do this in a way that is verysubtle and it’s very um convincing as wellcriminals don’t have it quite have any qualms about who they targetthey’re not bothered if you’re young or old or if you’re poorhealth or that you’ve got other vulnerabilities all they’re afteris getting something from you so they can take it further so we’re going to look at wishing phonecalls as you can see there is a list on therei mean there’s thousands and thousands i’ve only just put a few up there sothat we can just actually look at them and relate to themum just if any of you um have actually been targeted by a visioncall what’s the most um calls that you getcalled about for me um it’s gone quiet for a little bit but italso it started started targeting up again nowi seem to be getting calls around um central heating and boilers umnow there are some genuine um businesses out there and grants that areavailable but there are many calls now coming through aroundthat so car accidents accidents talk talkyeah they’re all up there as well let’s have a look corvid related scamswhere we’ve got fake adverts non-existent uh cody related productsthey’ve got the track and trace out thereand or they may say that you’ve been in contact with somebody who’s beendiagnosed the investment scams we’re seeing a riseum with investment and pension scams as well on there whichwe’ll look at as we go along in a bit um and thenwe’ve got the computer virus one that’s been around for many many yearswhere you’ll get somebody ringing you up to say that you’ve got an issue withyour computer and they just need to have access toyour computer so that they can fix it for younow there’s a double whammy on this one because some of them willcharge a small amount so then they’ve got your bank detailsum but then the other one is that once they’ve got access to your computerthey will put something some sort of um virus on there some sort of malware somesort of um thing on there so that they can actuallythen start to love what you do and and capture everything that you doonline so they don’t sign off when actuallythey’ve supposedly fixed your problem and then you’ve gotthe unpaid bills um threatening you to say if you don’tpay now don’t give us your details now and they’re going to cut you off andthen we’ve got the accident one there as well it’samazing because when i i do get them um it’s as if they canpredict the future to say that i’ve been involved in an accidentit’s just unbelievable when you actually start um talkingto them about them premium rate number scamsfake profiles on social media there are hundreds out there as welland they want to manipulate you again everything is about handing over yourdetails handing out handing over your money as well then theother one which is raising its head again is fake government callsand emails with that one it’s um about council taxes or even tvlicenses that’s that’s seen um again it’s coming upum that they’re saying there’s um they’re offering you six monthslike with the with with the mot one they’re saying that you’re eligible fora six months um saving grace for their free tvlicense but again you they take you to a dodgywebsite and they just ask you for personal details and bank details aswell so you just got to remember with any ofthese that you are in control there is no pressure you can put thephone down you can do your research and you can actually then ring back or ringum a number or go on to the website that you usually useand not what details they give you so Vishing phone calls um well how dothey do it you may have heard of spoof cards umor they are known as different names but let’s just take for example this spoofcard here the criminals go through great lengthsto get you to believe what they’re saying now the longer theykeep you on the phone the more likely you will start tobelieve so the best thing to do is if what ii tend to do now is if the call is wrong i pick it up and i won’t say anythingbecause many of them if they are computer generatedthey wait for a response and then it clicks inbut so with the smooth cards what happens is that the criminal thefraudster will be sat there using the computerand he’ll be down in quite a number of telephone numbersso the first person who picks it up it cuts the others outand then they will start making the call what they can dois make it look like uh sound like um they’re from a very busy office they canput background noise they can change their voice so ifthey’re trying to be uh spamming local numbers they will thentry and maybe put a local accent on there as well and because it’s got avoice changing facility on there the worrying thing is with this um manyof you may not answer a telephone number if thenumbers withheld now the problem with that is because asyou can see on their police nhs schools a lot of them actually use telephonenumber with held services so please if you get something like thatdon’t ignore them pick the pick it up and if they are pretending tobe the police or trying to get information from you againlike i said you’ve engaged with that conversationit’s then up to you to put the phone downand actually then if if they’re pretending to be from the policeit could actually be a genuine police call but if they are pretending to befrom the police then just ring um if you’re feelingin that you’re being threatened or in danger immediate danger obviously ring999 otherwise just ring the local number as welljust listen to this this is actual uh recording umjust to try and help you understand Recording “Good morning can i speak to archie hicksplease yes speaking good morning mr hicks my name is simonejohnson and i’m calling from the national bank payment verification teamokay we automatically receive alerts about unusual transactions and i’m justcalling to ask if you’ve authorized three newdirect debit mandates to be set up on your account in the last weekum we have three new instructions which have been flagged upeach for 900 pounds which make a total alert value of 2700.If you authorize these payments to be created with your debit cardi don’t get it uh are they direct debit payments or car paymentsmr higgs as i’ve said we systematically receive alerts for unusual transactionsthere are three payments each for 900 pounds and if you didn’t authorize themit’s essential that we move quickly to cancel them to prevent the funds leavingyour account no i definitely have not authorizedthree payments for 900 pounds in that case then mr hicks as i said weneed to act now to cancel the payments first of all though i need to verify whoyou are so i’ll take you through some security questions and we can get thepayments urgently cancelled for you sorry where did you say you were callingfrom again does your phone have um caller id mr hicksgood so you can see that i’m calling from national banknow please can you confirm your four-digit pin to me pleaseuh yes um bear with me first five then four six one.” End of recording.Banks never ask for confidential bankinginformation does your business know this don’t letyour business be a victim of social engineeringvisit for more information how scary is that there is a little bitof pressure there um with using the um spoof card theywere able to put the caller id and whatever telephone numberthey wanted in there as well to make it look like it was genuine as wellit is worried but we will talk about the bank frauds as we go ona bit later on um just looking at a couple of the umscams the amazon prime one um again that’sthat’s surfaced itself and this one works basicallyum the victim receives an automatic call stating that they’ve been chargedan amazon prime subscription they’re then asked topress one to connect to a rep when you do that you’re connecteddirectly to the fraudster then this person will pose as an amazoncustomer service represent they’ll tell the victim that their primesubscription’s been um fraudulently used or that it’s beingblocked or whatever excuse that they’re going to be usingwhat they’ll then try and do is ask you to download an applicationwhat’s called teamviewer well this grants the fraudster remoteaccess to your computer and once they do that then obviouslythey’ll ask you to log onto your banking account so that they canset up everything and cancel the direct debit or to setthe direct debit up again depending on on how they’re actually wording itbut basically what they want to do is get access to your computerand this is um again it’s back on the roundsit started again it started last year but we are seeing this againand then the other one this was from uh last year an elder lady who was inher 80s she received a call from somebody asking her to arrange a flu jabum at the time she was waiting for her clinic herdoctor surgery to ring up anyway she was told that the procedure would actuallycost 1 pound 50 because of the change of needor what they were using and after the call ended the pension ofthe old lady and she tried to call the surgery backas we say put the phone down and ring thenumber that you know which is what she did so she put thephone down she picked it up immediately afterwards she dialed the numberbut what the criminal did they kept the line openso as soon as she dialed it and the woman on the other end stillthen just pretended to be the receptionist um soobviously the the lady then thought that it was genuineshe handed over a bank details and withinum a very short period of time there were seven payments taken outand to the value of five thousand pound obviously this devastated the family asyou can imagine and what made it worse is because theelderly lady had actually spoken to her son so when it happenedshe rang her son very shortly afterwards and explained what she’d done andbecause the son heard her say that she’d actually putthe phone down and she’d rang her the surgery personally he felt that itwas all right so it was only a few days later thatbecause the daughter actually um has access to hermum’s accounts she realized that five thousand poundsall the savings had gone so please talk to your family and friends and youmay know about this but a lot of our elderly relatives our elderly neighborsaren’t on the internet aren’t on the computers andso they’re they’re prime pickings for this sort of thing and especially we’regoing to get the Covid-19 vaccination eventually and so that maybe another avenue the way the criminals are going to goand target people then the other one is pension fraudinvestment fraud um very highly sophisticated scamsand these are on the rise again it’s the cold called inum method that the criminals will ring you upthey will say that there’s promises of guaranteed high returns downloadingthe risks of it they’re not they’re not highlighting any risks reallythey’re saying they’re very damn playing it saying they’re very minimalum you may get an email it may not just be a telephone call eitheror you may actually have a friend who’s potentially the same age as you andthey’ve been um sucked into this sort of scam and theyare um believe themselves that they’reactually doing so it’s a genuine one and they convince youthat it’s right so you invest yours so it’s like thepyramid type um selling and all of a sudden they’ve gotquite a number of your friends on there what is worrying about this particularscam is that only a majority of pension scams so this sort of scams areare actually reported so there’s again hundreds out there andwe don’t know about it i’m not sure if you’ve heard about thefinancial conduct authority they’ve got a fantastic website as welland they’ve got lots of do’s and don’ts on there they do have a list as welluh of potential scams which are going aroundparticularly targeting this particular one but just have a look at this littleuh video my name is bob i’m 57 and i’ve livedwith my cafe i’ve got two kids five grandkidsby a door i worked for just shy of 40 years but mypension still wasn’t going to be enough for usso when he called out of the blue offering a free pension review he knew me by name spoke professionallyabout investments he even sent a career over to sign thepapers he seemed a really decent guy 40 years pension he took all of it okay you may have seen that one on thetv actually um a while back but it actuallyum displays it very very well i’m just going to stop there i’m goingto we’ve got a couple of um conversations here in the chat sayingabout the tv license one um yeah again this is coming through umthis does the around all the time but just be mindful aboutany of these sort of scams that come through because um i know somebodypersonally who’d actually got um sucked in around the tv license onewhat happened is that it was late on on a fridaythe email came through they were quite busy anyway they had the kids to dealwith so they knew in the back of the mindthat it was due sometime or other put in the details signed it went to thelink onto the website put the personal details in there put the bank detailsnever thought anything of it and then they actually got a couple ofweeks later got a letter saying that it was up for a renewalum and then obviously alarm bells when we were chatting about it they said ohit doesn’t matter i have nothing in that bank account anyway so they can’t getanything but it was only three weeks later thatthey realized what had happened the scammer thefraudulent the criminal whatever you want to call themwaited three weeks because they were actually monitoring what they were doingthrough their social media and they’d realized that and worked outthe payday of that person because they’d put some shoe that’s seensome shoes they’d held the shoes or put some photographs out on social media andsays can’t wait for payday three weeks agothese are the things i’m gonna get so when three weeks camewithin two hours of the paycheck going into their accountthe bank account was wiped out so it may not just beimmediate that you see something the criminals will waitand target and hit when actually is is whenit matters most to them so i hope that answers that one so justgoing back onto telephone banking forward here which is safestwhat would you say safe as the web or the app you just pop that down in thechat there what do you use and what do you think’sthe safest okay we’ve got a mix mixture there okayit is actually the app um and that is because if you’re using the web’swebsite it could actually you could have actuallygone to a fraudulent website or a cloned website unless you’reactually writing the website in there all thetime you may just put a wrong digit anythingcould happen on there but with the app you’ve got the additional securityas long as you’ve downloaded it from the reputable site as wellum and the the um the banks have control over thesite as well and they’re able to make sure that it’s updated on a regularbasis as well so what do i mean by telephone bankingfraud well you may get a call let’s have alook um that’s saying that it’s from the bankand that somebody’s been using your card and they will ask you to verify sometransactions um and they will give you sometransactions and say is this true or is it not and it couldbe a high value to start your panicking as wellthey will talk to you quite fast in a in a an urgent wayto get you drawn into there as well it’s called a hangup trick andwhat they’re trying to do is get you to um disclose your pin number disclosureyour details as well now they may say to you if you questionit and i’m gonna you know who how do i knowyou who you are so like the call that you’ve just heardand they’ll say bring us back but they’ll leave the line open soplease make sure you wait five ten minutes goaway put the kettle on come back use adifferent phone if you can and bring the bank the number that youhave it may see it may be the same number that theperson’s given you because they can clone these numbersremember so ring from a different telephone numberif you can and bring the number at the back from the back of your card or fromyour bank statement and some of you may have heard of tpsand telephone preference service this is a free fantastic service andit doesn’t block all calls at all and if you can think about the scam cardall the the scammers need to do is just change theone digit and the telephone number and when they do that obviously that tellingphone number will get through again but at least it’s a start um and whatyou can also do bt depending on who your telephone servicesthey may um offer a similar or a free service as welland there are products out there that you can pay a one-off feeum but it will um block as many calls as you want or it candivert the calls to a secure number so if you’re if you’vegot worried about an elderly relative you could set this up on their phoneand they’ll be an answering message saying that the call is being divertedto somebody who who’s taking their callsthere’s lots of things you can do out there as well umsomeone’s asked a question can you do anything to get around leaving the lineopen um no they they’ll leave the line openyou can’t because obviously they’ve made the call and you’ve justpicked it up so that’s why we say put the phone down wait at least 10minutes because the criminal won’t they thelonger they stay on the line it costs them moneyso if they don’t think you’re going to do it within a short periodof time they’ll just put they’ll disconnect the line so wait at least 10minutes and then come back to it but if you canuse a different telephone number as well ring a different telephone as welldon’t ring the number if it what is a good way is ring acomplete random i don’t know if we still do the speaking clock but ring adifferent completely different random telephone number than the one thatthey’re asking you to ring just to check if it does go through ihope that answers that question lowry so let’s just have a look atum text messages smishing okay again these are text messages that have comethey’re done to look genuine and and it is actually possible now forsubmission texas to piggyback maybe even your text messyour bank text messages or some text messages that you’ve got in there aswell so just be careful and be mindful ofthem and i’m going to ask you who’s receiveda text message i’m sure everybody has received them so i amconscious of time so i’m just going to go through as wellyou’ll see some of the samples on there and again i could have put hundreds andhundreds on there but just be careful about um clicking onlinks or ringing the telephone numbers thatyou’re asking you do what they’re doing is taking you tododgy websites basically they want you to do something orpotentially what we are finding now is thatand you click on the website or you click on the link and you may then anindecent image or an indecent video may pop up as wellso imagine if this is your child and they’ve got to speak to your childrenspeak to um to people of vulnerable peopleespecially about this particular scam because it’s not justabout being taken to dodgy websites it’s alsoabout what potentially they can put on your device as wellbut i do want you to be aware that banks actually they do ring you upand they do send you text messages this is one.Ido online banking and if i’ve done a transactionimmediately afterwards i will get a text message like everybody willand just verifying what they’ve done but you’ll notice it doesn’t give me atelephone number on there and it certainly doesn’t give me a webaddress to go to it’s just a statement saying you’ve donesomething if it isn’t you then do something aboutit using the methods that you normally doand then the good thing is about text messagessubmission is that you can actually forward them on to7726 and actually if you look at your phone that actually spells spamand that then forwards it onto the mobile provider that you’re usingand they then will put out warnings um through to their customers they’llcollate things um so it’s at least somebody else doingsomething about it as well as contacting action fraud andother people to verify and tell people what’s going onor just delete them good idea good suggestionand you can read it don’t do anything about it and then delete it if you feelyou need to do something or investigate morethen do it how you normally do it go onto your websitenormally um or ring them using the numbernow this is a very very popular one the phishing which is your emailsum so what’s the most important online servicepassword you’ve got just in the um in the uh comments just just pop downwhat you think is it your banking what’s the mostimportant password you’ve got okay as rightly so money over you’reputting the bank in there but actually it is your umemail and the reason we say this is because your email accounts there’stwo reasons your emails hold sensitive information and it’s also immediate verification soby compromising your email and sending scam emails outby a valid email address they can say that they’ve they canpretend they’re you they can um they can send to your friends or tofamily and things like that asking them to do something so let mejust explain to you what i mean by that so criminals can use your email to resetpasswords and to obtain personal financial information as wellso if you think about it on your phone now if you get locked outum or if you if you’ve want to say your amazon account andyou’re doing amazon um shopping you go to your amazon okayyour phone stolen or lost or anything all the criminal needs to do is pick upthe phone if it hasn’t got security on it straight away and it’sthey’ve gained access straight away because they’ve guessed the pin numberor whatever they click on amazon they press um resetpassword that will then take you to the email toverify you and to reset it if you’ve got your phone they can justgo onto your email address and reset it and lock you out completelyso always make sure your spam filter is always switched on to minimize the riskbut with your spam filters and with criminal with the new malware andeverything that’s being produced on a regular basis please sometimesthese spoof emails can actually get through your spamso don’t just think you’re all secure and everything will go in your spam boxthey can actually get through so please do just check and ask yourself how often do you clearyour spam and trash emails have you got months and months andmonths of data in there have you got personal information in there have yougot banking details in there uh have you got past passport details inthere you may have sent a picture to somebody as wellthis is all just sitting there waiting for the criminals to take whatever theyneed and this is just a quick checklist as isay this is being recorded you’ll be able to go back and have a look at itand take your time as well because i know weare rushing through but genuine email addresses have a lookeven if it looks real um please don’t always trust it becauseemail addresses can genuine email addresses can actually bespoofed as well and look at the impersonal greetingsthey’re usually generic they’re not necessarily using your namethey sound a little bit vague formatting umor they’re asking for personal details as well as i say to look upclick on the link or to do something about it now withum emails because they can actually spoofa genuine email now if you were to get somethinglet me just move and i’ll explain to you i’ll show you a picture in a minuteand this one’s doing the round again by the way netflix anybody who’swho uses this and if this came through on your emailif you’ve only got one email address and that everybody in your family use thatemail address as well imagine if this came through and one ofthe kids clicked on it or somebody who wasn’t necessarily savvyabout it what happens they’ll click on it and ittakes you to um signing in this replicates netflixbut as you can see in the um in the top it’s which is nothingto do with netflix but if you didn’t notice that and you’rein the urgency you’re wanting to get your um the latest film or whateveryou sign in you put your details in thereand then this again looks like the genuine one it’s got a picture of asecure server padlock on there it’s asking for all thedetails asking for your date of birth and thenit takes you to that one just to verify your creditcards and interesting enough they ask you a security question yourmother’s maiden name how many times do you use that as yoursecurity question so once they’ve got that potentialyou’ve got access to absolutely everything so if you get something like this andyou do click on the link there’s two things potentially it couldtake you to it could likely they wanting download to take youto the dodgy website to actually get your bank details from youif you get to that stage worse scenarios you’ve put your bank at your room yourdetails in you can always come out of it if yourealize and actually change your details change your passwordand that’s the end of that one if you get to this stage and you startentering then you should have warning signalsif you ever get anything like this come out of it and go to your netflix accountgo to your amazon account go to whatever it is by the ways thatyou normally do and normally sign in so looking at this can yousee where the mistake is give you a couple of seconds just have a quick lookat it this is a genuine cloned email address and david while you’re looking at thatyou’ve put that you’ve got you generate a number of email addressesit is good to have a number of email addressesand put things put you like your online life into boxesinto different email addresses because if one email address is compromisedpotentially and you’ve got everything sitting on that andall your apps and your websites are all with that one email address then you’llhave to go into absolutely everything to change passwords umbecause everything potentially could be compromisedso looking at this just moving on then it’s a spelling mistakethat’s all it is that is one of the most perfect phishing emails that we’ve seenaround now i say that’s a genuine email addressit is and what they’ve done is cloned it nowif you what happens with this there’s twothings if you replied to that email addressthen what would happen um it goes back to theowner of the email address so the genuine person who owns it and that’llbe the end of the spoof but if you didn’t do that and did whatthey’re asking you to do and click on that linkto verify your service or area and if you clicked on that then again it takesyou to the um dodgy website where they’ll draw inand get more information out so really really just think about ittreat every email as suspicious until you’ve provenotherwise so let’s just have a look at some of thethings now um moving on with things that you may do and don’t do yeah that’s good david or suspicious andif you hover on your cursor over the links and it should showup what the actual link is taking where it’s trying to takeyou to but again um this may be uh skewedby how they write that on there so you need to look at the full pictureof a phishing email and don’t take it for granted at all but that’sthat’s a good tip there so let’s have a look at your devicesquickly how often do you check for updates for your laptopum your phone or your tablet a b c or d let’s have a look most of you got it on d yep some of yourknee okay so umwith d you set it to automatic just think that’s absolutely brilliant andthat’s the way it should really be but just think about it if there isn’tenough battery on it and or it’s not in a secure area itwouldn’t necessarily update on that time given it would wait thenpotentially 24 hours or when it’s able to to update it so it isworth just keep checking and keeping an eye on that as wellbecause trojans viruses worms we’ve all read about thembut what actually do they do well they can do lots of different things they canlisten and record your conversations they can turn on camerasthey can log your keystrokes they can capture what you dothey can steal your documents files send gps umcoordinates out they can look at your history they can do so somuch more um and they don’t just stop if they’ve discovered or been patchedbecause new worms trojans viruses are released everyday now what we do get asked on a regularbasis is i use an apple product um and they’re they’re absolutely finewell please i use apple products but pleaseum we ha we now have malware specifically aimed at appleproducts we’ve got malware aimed at smartphonesas well so you need to do and make precautionsfor all devices no matter what you’re usingyou’ve got to have done something they don’t just appear in the first placeand you’ve got to have installed a link from a dodgy website or somethingthat you’ve downloaded it’s essential that you’reactually running the most up-to-date software systems as wellbecause it’s all right having um the patches and everything but if you’re notrunning the up-to-date software systems um you won’t be able to um therewon’t be patches there won’t be updates for old systems so make sure that thetwo are sitting side by side so looking at all uh all-in-one packagesum we don’t actually recommend anyparticular i know one of you may start to ask this what do we recommendas a security software again on the website there’s lots ofmore information on there because we are an independentum non-profit we don’t recommend any particularum product um but there are things that you do need to be looking atwhat we will say is that you may already have through your broadbandservice provider you may already have that product sitting there but youhaven’t enabled some of the things so you haven’t turned them on so have alook as a starting point have a look at what you’ve got there and then have a look at what whatsoftware is out there do your research on it and make surethat once you’ve decided what you’re havingand that you switch it on and you do switch it on to automatic so it doesautomatically upgrade when it’s ready don’t forget to to register your smartdevices so that if there are new patches forthat releases on that it can be done automaticallyum if you have bought a phone um from a reputable providerthen it should have antivirus on it already but it is worth checkingif you’ve got a second hand one um please do have a look and checkbefore you actually start downloading and uploading all your information ontoit as well and if you’re jailbreaking your phone because i know people do dothis just be careful when you do that itactually switches off the software restrictions as well so it could leaveyour phone very very vulnerable and it’s not just about dodging orclicking on dodgy links and websites that actually could potentially put themalware onto your systems and many compute many people use thecomputers to charge the phones so they’ll maybe just hook up the phoneonto the computer while they’re using the computerso it can be charging up but that um wire that you’re using if it’s not yoursand you’ve just borrowed one or you’re in the airport and the wiresare already there for you how do you know that’s a genuine wirehow do you know somebody hasn’t just put that thereum to actually then start to put malware onto your systemsjust be careful of what you’re doing and usb memory stickspeople use them for storage but if you’re using them in other people’scomputers and their computers have beencompromised you start then using it and putting it into your computerpotentially what’s on that memory stick could then corrupt andcompromise your systems as well and vice versa pack up backups remember to back up soeverything that you do remember to back it up i’m not sure howyou back it up there’s lots of different ways you can domemory sticks hard copies or even the cloud if you are looking or consideringusing the cloud services please do your research and check howthey hold your data who has access to your dataand what do they do if they’ve got if they have a breachor have they had any breaches in the past and how have they dealt with itdo you do your homework do your research and someone’s just asking what do i meanby jailbreak um jailbreak means it takes off um allthe restrictions on your phone um so it means you can download umpotential from sites which you wouldn’t normally be able toto download from at all so i would certainlyum just if you get a phone i would certainly leave itas it is and don’t tamper with any of the settings don’tdisarm it don’t jailbreak it because you won’t then be it wouldn’t be assecure as it would if you hadn’t of um jailbreak it changedit have a look unlocking stephen thank youthat’s the word i was looking for unlocking have a look at um at thewebsite you can tell me more about it as well um your identity how many of youhave got uh loyalty cards tesco’s aston morrison sainsbury’snext all that sort of garages all that sort of stuffhow many of you just put your hand up have you got loyalty cards yes loyaltycards loyalty cards are great they offer yousomething um but in return you’re giving your dataover to them remember that and remember when you signed up for that loyalty cardwhich email address did you use which password did you useif you’re using the same that you use for everything elsepotentially when you sign up for a loyalty card you are actually signing upand allowing that owner of the um tesco sayto actually give your information out to third partiesso you will then starting to get targeted that’s why we sayuse separate email addresses for these sort of thingsso and who have you who out there has googled themselveshave you had a look at what’s being said about yourself did you know you can request informationfrom google facebook instagram you can go into your settings andrequest into your accounts and request what do these organizations hold aboutyou and if there’s things on there that youdon’t like or you want removing you kept there is a process aboutgetting these things removed it can take timebut it is worth having a look at it and rememberprivate searches so so those are those of you who use the umincognito or the private search so it’s not recording your historyit may not be recording it on your computer or your phonebut the actual um google or the search engine still keeps thatinformation it just isn’t visible on the device that you’re usingand be careful just because it appears at the top of the listso if you’re searching for something just because it’s up there it doesn’tmean to say that it’s a genuine one and our criminals are dodgy sites theycan’t you can actually pay to be actually moved uponto the search engines so just be careful on thatand it is worth to set up a google alert about your family or your nicknameor your um or your business or your charityand that can be done weekly daily hourly whatever where you want it there’s thelink up on there for you as well it is worth setting that up so that ifsomebody is maybe taking your identity somebody is using youand you will get alerts about this as welland once every so often it’s worth putting them doing a reverse imageof a photograph of yourself just to see again what images are out there on theinternet and what it says about you as well so just quickly look at this it’s onlyseconds um but you will understand what i’m sayingabout your identity it’s good to share but check you havethe right privacy settings or someone can make a lot of money frombeing you that took seconds absolutely secondseverything was all available on their social mediaaccounts and then obviously they’re just notthinking about it which many of us don’t if the creditcards just being there display displayed or you give your credit cardto somebody to pay the bill always keep these things in mind as wellespecially when you’re out and about and there is a quick question on there ican’t remember how to search myself uh or to have a get thingsremoved again have a look at our websiteinformation on there or just google it how do how do i um goif it’s if the google is the search engine thatyou’re using um go into your settings and if i go into the search bar and puton there how do i get things removed um i think i did show a link previouslyum on how to do it as well so what can you do about identity fraudwell there are a few um steps you can do and we’ll just havea look at these as well you may or may not have a shredder oryou may have an electric one this is very cheap old-fashioned styleand but it’s no use having a shredder if you don’t use ityou don’t need to shred absolutely everything but shred your nameand address so envelopes any of the headings in yourum documentations that you get through as wellkeep your pin safe never let the machine out of your siteand obviously with contactless it’s gone up now fromi think it’s 45 pound now as well so you can just tap it on there but make surewho’s around just having a look just be careful of your surroundings as wellyour bank statements how often do you check your bank statement umcriminals can possibly put small donations into yourbank or make a donation to a charity or something like that the testing thewaters basically the testing isn’t a live accountum and do you notice as well so it’s worthcheck don’t just wait till payday or a month end andkeep keep an eye on your bank statements as welland your credit ratings have a look at that check your credit ratingsum there are um facilities out there that you can actuallydo free checks um any and it won’t affect your credit ratings with checkingas well but it is worth every so often and ifyou have been affected by identity fraud you canactually cite again more information on the website but you canactually sign up and they will um tell you if from thenon they will tell you if somebody else is trying to use it and then we’ve got make sure you’ve gotanti spyware and antivirus software on your computers and your phone as wellmake sure your phone is always locked whether you use umyour pin number um a pattern or um finger thumb print or even your facerecognition whatever you’re using make sure it’s actuallyit’s set to use as well use difficult and unique passwords neverreveal any personal information and we many a time see on social mediapeople have passed their um driving license or they’ve just got their firstpassport for the child and they show all the details out there as well just becareful what you put them on there we will look at 2fa 2 factorauthentication and but if you can set this up get thisset up onto your site as well but we’ll look at that aswell as we go along hope everyone’s still all right and it’s10 to 12.I’ve not got much longer to go and so you can just stick with me for alittle bit longer and we’ll we’ll get through this as wellso password um passwords do you use the samepassword i i always worry about asking this question justpop it in i’ll carry on going but just pass on thereum criminals basically uh please i hope you use different passwordsfor everything that you do really because it may not bewhat you’ve done um to be compromised but because of all the things you’resigning up to because of all the websites you’re signing up to the appsyou’re signing up to their data can be compromised their datacan be breached and because of that your information isdeleted your information’s out there as well your information is compromisedit’s all sold on the dart web looking at the figures therethe figures will change on a regular basis because it does depend on demandbut literally your gmail login 75p instagram login 92pseems nothing but if you actually put all that togethersomebody could become you somebody could umtake on and do a lot of damage for you so a skype or email password can be soldfor three pound but imagine if they’ve got that thenthat the criminal can pretend to be you and start spoofing all your friendswith your details ebay details fraudsters can dobuyers into sending the money or for fake listings netflixis a route to identity fraud with the added bonus that they willbe able to stream um for free using your details as wellso passwords treat them like your toothbrushdon’t share them stop using facebook quizzes stop using quizzes like thesethey actually create but they’re created by identity thievesthey just want to get the questions so they can figure out your security and just have a quick look at this onelately largely because of what happened to sony companies andindividuals are more concerned about the safety and privacy of their informationthan ever president obama has unveiled a number of new proposalsthis week to crack down on hackers and he plans to address this in the state ofthe union speech on tuesday and it’s great that the government is working onthis but the truth of the matter is we need to do a better job of protectingourselves you know the most popular password in the unitedstates is password one two three and as long as we’re as long as that’sthe case we’re vulnerable so today we sent a camera out on ahollywood boulevard to help people by asking them to tell us their passwordand this is how that went we’re talking about cyber security todayand how safe people’s passwords are what is oneof your online passwords currently it is my dog’s name and the year igraduated from high school what kind of dog do you have happy onand what’s his name jamison jameson and where’d you go to school umi went to school back in Greensburg pennsylvania what schooluh hempfield area senior high school wow when did you graduatein 2009.Oh great it’s like my cat’s name and then just like arandom number okay has you had this cat for a while yeahshe’s my childhood pet oh and what’s her name her name is joliejolie so like a password of yours would bejolie and then a number like number one uh like my birthday ohwhen is your birthday uh june 12th oh nice what your reward uh95. oh great so jolie 612 95. got it so you mean to give my no no scary hey scary you may think well i’mnot going to do i certainly wouldn’t do that but youdon’t have to because criminals will look at yourum social media sites they’ll look at things that you doand target it and find it out that way solet’s have a look um creating strong passwordsi do understand i do get it it’s very difficult to remember them alland that’s why a lot of you are probably resetting your passwords on a regularbasis all you need to do is look at threerandom words and add a bunch of special characters and then you’ve got aformula and that’s your formula it’s easy to remember but hard to crackmake sure that they are at least 12 to 16 characters longand don’t share them think about your toothbrush don’t share them to withanybody as well and it is important you use differentpasswords for different accounts and different email accounts as welldon’t let the criminal get your gmail password for 75p and also find that it’sactually your online banking details password as well wi-fi routers and there’s loads ofinformation on our website about this but basically um your wi-fi router isyour hub it’s the gateway to everything thatyou do within your home and all your devices that are connectedso please just take the time to have a look at the website and learn how tochange the um the password to the router how to setup guest networks as well so that if you’vegot people or a lot of traffic coming through your houseum these people can actually go on to a differentnetwork and it’s not compromising what you’re using there as welldon’t panic all the instructions are on the website there for you step by stepsorry oh yes i’ve got that i’ve still got the yeahuh yeah i don’t know how i’ve got that let’s have a look sorrythank you just stop that let me just go back has that stopped uh yeah we’re justseeing the video now there we go there you go and so youwant to see this one so quickly on to the passwords like i justsaid you heard me but you didn’t see the things thereum they’ve got to be random um it can be whateveri mean i’ve just used three random passwords there as the pictures but itcould be literally look around where you’re sat nowand it could be literally three things on your desk umas long as it’s nothing connected to you personally or to your family or friendsnot your pets names um you know not your firstborn or yourfavorite child not that we have any but um butnothing personal and as i say your wifi router all theinformation is there for you to have a look on our websiteand much more step by step looking at 2fai’m not sure if you are aware of this or if you already use itbut it’s absolutely fantastic it is free and it’s an additional layerum for um for your devices as well and for um all the apps and social mediaaccounts and everything that you use on there and even your google accountsum most of the sites are now using it and it’s worth turning it on so veryeasy so let’s just have a look at um how to do it for whatsapp becausei’m guessing most of you will be using whatsappwell basically you go into your settings when you have a look at your settingsyou look at your account and then once you’ve got onto theaccount you’ll look at two-factor verification click on thatand then you can just enable it you set it up with a pin numberand basically what it means is that when if somebody’s trying to access your umyour your website or your social media orsomething like that and it’s being done from a device that’s not been usedbefore or not it’s not recognized it willactually um send you a notification if youhaven’t got a smartphone for the notifications to be sent to you canyou can register with a house telephone number or evena um website an email address as well and then every so often you will have touh re-enter verification pin number um just to checkthat it is so say you keep going on to whatsapp um 1012 times in consecutive times it will actuallyask you to verify as well it’s worth considering vpnsokay but when you look at vpns please don’t go for the free ones at allum really do your homework on these as well the vpns have actually hit thepress again just recently about uh 10 free vpnproviders have had a massive massive data breachon there so just do your homework on this becauseyou are entrusting the person the vpn provider with your data so weneed to make sure that it is right so how many of you have just tickedexcept with your terms and conditions how manyof you actually read them i guess if you signed up for somethingwhich is quite old now you won’t have read the terms andconditions and just accepted it when you actually sign up for terms andconditions what you are doing and so say you’reusing any of these social media sites but lots of other things as wellbut when you sign up you are signing up forthe provider to be able to interact with what you do look at yourchat history your friends list and all the lists and all the thingshere you are giving permission for that and much more and it is very very scaryand sometimes when with the providers of the sites do updateswhat they do is set the um the settings the profilesback to open profiles open settings so pleasego in individually in all your apps and everything that you do and have a lookand i guess if your phone probably looks like my phoneand you’ve got just all the apps all the websitesthat you’ve been googling over a period of time just sat there open in thebackground please go in and delete them don’t justdelete them sign out of them don’t just leave them opensitting there because if somebody does actually get access and you’ve leftthem open you’ve left them open for somebody else to just taketake over for you to sign out of them and then delete themeverything’s done through your settings setting so i don’t know which one you’reuh you’re gonna use depending on whichdevice you have will depend on what it looks likewi-fi hotspots if it’s switched on now all it’s doing is draining your batteryokay thinking about and it’s searching it’s sending out signals searchingit’s so easy to set up a spoof wi-fi it’s what’s called a little pineapple umthere are different ones you can buy them it’s not illegal to buyit’s illegal to use them and what happens is that it sends out aspoofing wi-fi signal and what happens is that if you’ve gotit switched on your phone potentially or your device will log onto that but as i say look at our website for more detailsabout wi-fi and protecting yourself aroundusing wi-fi hotspots transferring data how many of you gotyour airdrop are your bluetooth switched onor your nfc on your android phones have a look at thisbecause if it’s switched on and the settings isn’t set right whatpotentially could happen and you’re in the areaanybody and we have known this um where people have been sending inappropriatepictures so get that set set to how you want itjust to receive to people on your contact list or even just switched offlocation services that’s another one have a look at this do you really needto give access to all the apps about your location services do they need totrack where you are and what you’re doingagain very easy just go through your settingsand have a look at it either turn it off or go through each individuallyand just allow that app yes or no or only when you’re actually using that appsocial media this is the big one so like farming many of you have seenthese these are posts to get your likes sharesand comments but in the background what the post isdoing it’s attracting followers and that’s kind of like thecollaborative damage because what they do at some pointthese pages are sold and then they are used for something more sinisterand whatever it is because the person who created this in the first placethey just want money your data with you liking and sharing if your profilesaren’t set right your data is worth money for themso looking at fake sites you may have seen this out there already it’sabout the tvs tesco’s 500 tvs in the warehouse they need to get them outyou need to comment on it basically you need to look at certain things herelook at it closely the test goes there there’s no blue veryblue tick verification if you scroll down toum let’s have a look if you scroll so look on thereas it is scroll down to the page transparencyyou’ll actually see that this particular post waspaige was created in july 2020 and the competition ended in july the uhjuly the 18th supposedly so this is a spoof this is a clone thisis a fake site always have a look at pagetransparency it’s a clue it’s not a given but it is aclue this is the real one so this is fact asyou can see tesco’s there it’s got um verification on thereit’s also got a website so if you need to you can go to the website the pagetransparency tells you all about it and on there it gives youwho the owner is when it was created 2010.So do just doa little bit of homework there as well clickbait well this is a technique usedall over the web and it’s deceptive reallyit’s the advertisers they’re trying to drive you into their websiteso they’ll use maybe a shocking video or amazing transferfor transformations and it’s it’s um the headlines will be something there tograb you when you click on it it will take youit’ll redirect you take you to the dodgy website again toget your information get your emails get your telephonenumbers get your personal details on thereand once they’ve got all these they can then start to spam you with fakeit fake emails and other things online shoppingokay be mindful especially with facebook marketplaceor buy and sell swap groups um it’s all right to grab a bargain but youneed to do certain things never ever um with these sort of sites umjust get something direct inspect it have a look at it you’ve no guaranteewith these sort of sites unless you know that personpersonally think about how you’re selling or how you’re buyingum your shopping as well if you can use a credit card or a prepaidcredit card you’ve got um you’ll have more guarantees on there as wellon shopping sites have a look at the website have a look at the reviewsmake sure the reviews aren’t put there all in one day or if it looks like it’sfrom the same person doing a company’s house check have alook at websites have a look at telephone numbersreally really get down to it and have a look at itif it looks too good to be true then it probably ischeck your facts there’s three sites here which i would recommendabsolutely brilliant um if you are on social media it’s worthfollowing them as well because they will tell youwhat the latest trends are as well i’ve just got a little thing on heresomeone’s just put i use paypal for payment whenever possible that’sbrilliant but just be mindful if you’re usingif some of the sellers then start to ask you to use theum fans and family and friends payment on the payments pal site because umyou haven’t got the guarantees because you’re when you do that you are signingto say that actually you know this personpersonally so they wouldn’t necessarily get you wouldn’t necessarily get yourmoney back if it’s um if it um if it goes wrong and then hack toy clones now this iswhere people get confused about especially with facebook going onfacebook own um instagram as well on whatsapp umwhen your account’s been cloned the facebook account is pretending to beyou when it’s being hacked that means somebody is actually um usingyour account so the when when when the person’scloned and pretending to be you um they are just taking pictures of yoursite um and whatever you do there they’ve cloned itand they may be using it on a dating site or something like thatbut when you have your site has been hacked that means they are beingyou so when someone hacks your account they’re actually taking control of youraccount as well so hackers break into your account byguessing or stealing your password uh having your account hacked uh can bevery very dangerous because obviously they then can draw infriends as well um to believe and do things because they believe it’s you aswell so the important thing is to understandum that this is possible and if you’ve gotany inclination that something’s not quite right then you need to contactfacebook you need to contact instagram you need to contact whatever socialmedia site or whatever site it is now if you’re the person on the otherend and you get a face a friend’s requestand you know you’re already friends with them then please report it to facebookplease report it to the site pick up the phone and speak to yourfriend about it the more people who do it the more quickly somethingwill be done about it and then tips quick tips for yourdigital well-being you’ve got to think about yourself think about do you needit and these apps and everything else or doyou want it there is a subtle difference there as wellthere’s loads and loads of tips on there and on our website about how you canactually minimize your time spent on your social media and thingslike that set targets make sure they’re realistic useyour settings and to actually make your phone and makethese devices work for you and for how you want them so the takeaways from today okay you seeheadlines every day as i say people being scammedromance fraud blackmail businesses all that sort of some there80 percent of data loss is due to us uh and our mistakes it is our responseresponsibility take these points talk to your familyand friends and help them understand uh theirvulnerabilities show them how to set up to fa show themhow to go through the settings sit down together look at the website umwatch the videos on there and just take step-by-stepsmall measures to make yourself safer on the internetbecause believe me if you haven’t or you think you haven’tbeen spammed or targeted yet you will be you’ll be on that listsomewhere for the next person um if you aren’t aware of action fraudaction fraud um they are uk’s national fraud andcyber crime reporting center they collate theinformation um and if they see a trend in an areathey’ll get that information out to the partners and the police forces so theycan do something about it they don’t investigate but they willpass on the information different ways you can do it through thesocial media through the telephone or you can report it if it’s a live a 247 live cyber attacks or a business attack or somethingthey will um work with you and there is 24 hourhelpline there and they will work with you to try andreduce it and minimize the damage as well for bang up to date followers throughcurrent trends and scams and everything we’re on most of the social mediaplatforms and if you are about on a friday we do facebooklive at 11 o’clock as well where we’re discussing all the common issueissues and you get to meet some of the team there as wellso um i think that’s on there and if we have any questions now i’mjust going to have a look at the chat see if there isn’t anything out therebut i’m just thinking just because she can’t see a cyber threatdoesn’t mean there isn’t one just be carefulthank you very much i’m sorry that we had a bit of a hiccup at the beginningand that i have run over a little bit but i hope it has been worthwhile foryou and very informative so let me just havea look so i’ve got two faas two-factor authenticationany other terms yeah sorry um for um not going into more detail about thatbut there is a there is a good piece on thethe website about that as well this uh yeah i was just gonna ask umon your website i’ve just seen your um on the left hand side of the homepage it says get the answers ask terry tablet um is that something wherepeople can ask questions on the website if they feel that they’ve still gotyes i was going to say we’ve got ask terry tablet and and we you we wewill get back to you on there but you’ve we’ve also got frequently askedquestions on there so they may you may have a questionum which you’re not quite sure about so have a look at that firstand then obviously ask us but my email is umwas there on the last screen anyway i can go back to it it’ if you do want to drop us a line that’sthat’s absolutely fine as well liz um yes laura asked a question aboutpassword managers so i was just wondering if that was something you’dadvise people to use okay password password right withpassword managers um it’s like anything else and iwouldn’t go for the free ones because you’re obviously givingsomething away there when you sign up um just do your homework there are anumber out there and if you do struggle to remember allof them all you need to do with the password manager is just remember onepassword but if you forget that you are locked out do remember that as wellum but they are useful many of the devices already have that i mean i knowapple do i i use the apple phone and that’s alreadyon there for me and it generates many passwordsalready so just before you go buying things havea look what actually your service provider your phones your uminternet service provider provide for you alreadybecause you may find you’re already paying for it okay uh hi lis and this is els hereand you mentioned that is it safer to use the banking apps on the mobile thanthe red however it’s more high chance that youlost a phone so let’s say if i lost a phone and umam i too risky to raise too risky myself to exposeif i have the apps the banking apps on my phonesin that case right if you with your phones i’m hoping that you’ve gotyour front line protection on there first sowith your phone if somebody picks it up they’ve got to get into it in the firstplace so if you’ve no protection on therethey they’ll go into it straight away if you’ve gotfingerprints thumbprint face recognition or whateverthen they’ve got to get past that first they then click onto your phoneonto your banking app they then have to prove another wayso they could be a pin number it could be a thumb print or it could bea face recognition as well so it’s a second layer already so it’skind of like the 2fa but it actually is more a secure layer there as wellthank you hope everybody else is okay liz i think i’ve popped your emailaddress i hope i’ve written it right in the chat there for questions fromanybody yeah that’s that yes that’s fine thankyou and i’m sorry rosanna i am so sorry i don’t want toscare you that’s the last thing i want to doum i mean when we do we we obviously we do lots of different talks arounddifferent subjects and things um but i don’t want to scare anybody ido want um it’s a wake-up call isn’t itit’s not scary because we’ve been using them forever and up to now you’ve beenfine so all it is baby yeah baby stepsum just work your way through them now and just go backnow go to the 10 points on the new to the internetand start working your way through as a checklist really this is just being awake-up call and a checklist thank you also i would say it’s a verygood step that everybody’s joined us today tolearn more so um like everything there’s probablyalways more we can do i feel like i’ve got a list of things i need to do and alot of homework but it’s been so so helpfulthank you really really good has anybody got any lessyeah any last minute questions before we goyeah um karen from lester i found it very difficultto when they say agree to using cookies and look at ourprivacy things and do it in your browser because they are so long i usuallyreject tool cookies um but even sometimes it still keeps myhistory and i can’t remember all the things itsays about your privacy but i think that’s something to do with my brainno nothing to do with your brain at all i think um and i think many a timeand that’s what they’re relying on is that people just accept acceptbecause there’s too much information there to take in andthere is a big piece in the on the website about cookies and history andeverything what i would say cookie cookies withcookies we’ve got good cookies and bad cookiesin a nutshell with good cookies we need them because itremembers certain things about what you’ve been doing in your habitsand it’ll take you to the site and with the bad cookies what happens with thatis that say for example you’re booking anairline flight to riot an airline flight okay you use youruh your laptop you have a look um and you find a cheap one to spain 20pound absolutely fantastic you go away tospeak to somebody about it you log back on because the cookie hasalready remembered you and it potentially could put the priceup and up and up and up so what we say it is good to deletethese cookies so they don’t remember who you areso you get the best value the best price now with history have a look at have alook at our website karen to go through it in more detail but umwhen you when you go onto a website and they say to accept the terms andconditions and accept the cookies if you you can goin and there’s usually it’s broken downinto sections usually two or three sectionsonly keep what you have to do the minimum you don’t have to agree for themto to give your information to thirdparties you don’t have to agree for them to restore youkeep your information just keep it down to the minimumif they’re asking for absolutely everything ask yourselfis it worth being on that site what are you you know you’re giving everythingaway just for a little bit of informationyou’ll be able to get it from lucy or somebody elseall right thank you okay thanks i think that everythingor questions like we said before if anybody has got any questions they thinkof pop them in that ask the questions buton get safe online website or as liz said she shared her email addressthat everything lovely all right thank you thank you so much liz that’s beenbrilliant so informative um and um yeah as we mentioned before we’llhave a recording of this um so i just need to edit it a bit butit will be um online in probably mid next week i wouldimagine um but i will send you all an email withfollow-up notes and with the link to that recording so you can share it withpeople and you can check back um yeah and thank you lori and wehave a survey um that it would be brilliant if you filledout um the only way we can evaluate the things that we’re doing nowand to learn about whether they’re helpful or not is umvia these surveys so i’ll just pop the link in the chat nowum there you go it should be in there and it just takesa couple of minutes if you do have time to fill it in it’d be really reallyhelpful because it helps us learn what we’redoing well and what we can improve on or what you’d like to see in the future sothat would be brilliant if you could but thank youagain sorry we’re a little bit over time buti’m sure you all agree it’s been very helpful umand we hope to see you again at something soonand again a huge huge thanks to liz okay thanks very much everybodybye everyone

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