Keyword Research Part 3 – Competitive Analysis- Online Marketing for Small Business

Good morning happy monday welcome back to another 
part of the series on keyword research this is   the last part that we are going to look at this is 
being provided to you by cash data consulting llc   my name is Kashef Mughal. so if you remember 
you know we've been talking a little bit about   keyword research why is it crucial well you 
want to improve your online visibility right   for your business we've already covered 
two topics the first one was focused on   basically keyword research overview the next one 
was focused on keyword research tools so today   really our focus is on competitive analysis okay   so what is competitive analysis anyway right well 
this is really your chance to be like bond instead   of james bond you're going to be seo bond just 
kidding it's really think of it as fast tracking   your digital marketing efforts you can skip 
the time and the effort and the money it takes   to get vital information you know on your 
marketing right but you're just gonna look   at your competitors that is correct so why is 
this analysis so crucial to your online marketing   efforts well do you want to reinvent the wheel I 
did not think so so that's the whole idea right   we don't have to you know start from scratch you 
know pull up a board and start writing things down   your competition is already doing this 
right they've been in the business for a   while and they you know have learned from their 
mistakes why not utilize this information right   so the focus today is going to be you know 
looking at everything that your competitors own   this is going to be their website seo ppc 
maybe even social media marketing okay   so you know a valid question that you may ask 
is you know how can you even find out more like   snoop around you know your com competition 
and their digital marketing efforts well   surprisingly this is easier and simply quite 
faster than you would imagine okay well cash   stop talking and show us the stuff already 
patience you must have like yoda says right   so first of all really you know this information 
is online so you should be utilizing that to your   advantage well what I mean by online what does 
that mean this means their website right their   content the site map their backlink profile their 
social media remember all these things are already   existing online right you just have to you know 
spend some time and effort on this secondly   luckily we're not the first ones to come up with 
this novel concept right there are great companies   like spyfu semrush and instead of espionage just I 
espionage that have really built strong brands you   know with products and services that are typically 
you know that are focused on competitive research   not only that but other things too and this 
there's a lot of other tools too we're really   focusing on some of the free ones today and 
lastly you know giants like google and facebook   and others they have incredible tools that we can 
also utilize to get this information right okay so   you know the first thing you need to do about 
your competitors is you know get with your team   you know your you know your employees your 
associates and start brainstorming okay   you really need to make two lists you should be 
making or it could be just one for you depending   on your situation but you should have a local 
list of competitors right and then you may have   a global list maybe you are an e-commerce store 
and you're competing with amazon well don't   compete with amazon you're going to lose but 
you know it really depends on your market okay   so today our concept actually that we're going to 
pursue is we have a new business which we do not   this is just for demo and learning purposes but 
you know pretending that i'm cash so i'm making   a new business called cash dentist instead of 
the dentist let's find our joke for the day   so you know what do we do okay I made a list here 
but before I even do that let me let me jump to   the actual demo and let's say i'm in dallas and 
i'm searching for you know dentist let's just say   in dallas for example okay you know so here are 
obviously you know you'll see that you have some   google ads running which we are going to look 
at maybe in a different area then you have your   google my business listings that are on 
the top and then of course we have a few   you know d magazine bc yelp in here health grades 
but look at this one this is one of the top   ones that's popping up on this list right so i'm 
simply going to go to that you know and put that   to my list okay in fact I have it here already 
but this is kind of like what you have to do you   essentially you know want to make a list or let's 
go back to google I think I closed that window but   I could say something like you know best dentist 
in dallas because guess what if I want to improve   my pretty smile I you know want to go to the best 
one okay so when I did that again some ads pop up   and then you know you have and you can certainly 
go to these yelp and some of these things but   really what i'm interested in is finding you 
know some of the top ones that are showing   on this list or let's say if I try let me try 
another search I was doing earlier but if I say   invisalign I don't even know how to say 
it but if I do that you know maybe that's   my market right and this is the one I found 
that they're you know ranked for this so this   orthodontist dallas they're they're were 
voted bestie 2019 which is only last year right   so what do you do you basically you're gonna copy 
this right and then you're gonna come come to your   you know this is this is our local list here okay 
so we started with this we searched a few things   and then I already added this but you know this 
is how you're going to be making your list okay   and then our global list we just added monarch 
dental they are you know one of the big dental   practices that are throughout the us okay 
all right well that's great so then you know   what do we do next well we we are going to focus 
you know like I said on their digital assets you   know what are they doing online okay you want 
to be looking at their website you want to be   looking at the content basic you know site 
layout and design you want to be looking at   technical seo things like you know title tag 
meta description okay all of those things so   and there's some other things we're going to show 
you too but let me let me switch gears here so   let's just we'll just go with one of these right 
so if I start here you know you obviously want to   look at their website look at the you know how 
it it's it's laid out okay you may there looks   like they have some youtube videos they have some 
reviews okay they're showing you the listing so   they are in dallas off of the central expressway 
other things you want to look for is you know what   are they offering or who's the doctor right some 
stuff for the new patients treatments and whatnot   we're going to go back to mint dentistry which 
was one of the top players here right and again go   to their website right okay well they have a nice 
little menu here let's go and find their services   okay looks like they do general dentistry 
cosmetics sedation endodontics right   so okay well maybe cash is going to be focusing 
on cosmetic dentistry right so you want to go to   this website i'm in this page right and then 
obviously look at the content we're just you   know we're learning from our competitors right the 
other thing you can do is if you right click here   and you select view page source or you can 
do control u like it says right this is going   to pull up their html information right 
and like I mentioned the important ones   and I just did control f you want to make sure 
that you are paying attention to their title tag   right there's the meta name tags that 
are considered extremely important   for google and others right so this is one 
right here and again I mean you know you're   not I don't want you to go and copy this but you 
are certainly looking at the competition you're   making a list right you have five competitors you 
go to their website you're going to look at that   stuff right and then you are going to see what 
they're doing and so there's a lot of technical   seo that you know we definitely want to be looking 
at okay other thing you can also do here is let me   let me minimize this one here you can go to their 
blog I think they had a blog but let me just check   sometimes usually just you can just 
type that in oops what did I just do   if I do this you know here you go mint blog okay now you have a lot of   this these are the topics that they're talking 
about you know and again this is this is just   gonna be giving you some ideas okay of what to do 
so that's one way you can do do this now another   powerful method of discovering you know instead 
of looking at their website is to use xml sitemap   so I don't know if you're familiar with this a 
site map is really a hierarchy it's sort of like   you know breakdown of your website okay so 
if you go to this wonderful website here xml   sitemap okay so I can show you this in a 
minute here I think it's over here right here   you can see I already ran this already 
but you can put in your competition dot com in there right or you can actually do 
it on your website too so you can run this on   your website and then you're gonna hit start right 
once you do that it's gonna go through its spiel   we already ran this for did mint dentistry right 
here right so I mean look at this what does this   look like this is basically again a listing 
a hierarchy off you know their pages right   and if I scroll down you can see that under 
cosmetic dentistry you know they're talking   about certain things right you can even do a 
search you control f and let's say you want to   search for blog like we were looking at earlier 
you know well they have almost 400 blogs okay   so well that's great you know what are they 
blogging about and it actually shows you you know   they're basically their blogs okay in one spot 
so this is a very powerful tool that you can   also utilize okay to find out and then let me show 
you my favorite one of my favorite tools is this   it's called google site command and of course you 
can certainly google this so let me just open up   keep closing that tab but if I go if I type in 
google site command you can certainly you know   do this right so what am I going to do here today 
actually so this website by the way I was finding   our specialist in invisalign so so what 
do you do you you select your competitor   right you're going to go back to google and then 
like I said this is talks about the site command   but I i'm going to go to google i'm going to type 
in the word site okay and in fact I already did   this and then i'm going to type in my competitor 
okay so that's my competitor i'm going to be   searching and you can search for anything I mean 
you can search for cosmetics cosmetic dentistry   you can search for implants you can search for 
you know cavities which I have plenty off so I   should be doing that going to the dentist instead 
of making this video but anyway so so here you go   so again the word site colon your competitor and 
the search well check this out when you do that   you know triple seven my lucky number here google 
is kind enough to bring basically information   about that particular website I mean how cool is 
that now you have essentially your competitor you   know and there's just I mean you can go and read 
more about this let's say maybe i'm interested in   you know what are they talking about you 
know invisalign on this particular page right   there you go I mean you don't even have to you 
didn't even have to go to their website all you   simply did is you just went to google and you 
know ran that command so that is very powerful   definitely keep that in mind but i'm going 
to actually jump into the james bond tools so   there's actually really no shortage of competitive 
tools I mean there's a lot of these tools out   there now remember in our last video you know 
we were really focused on free tools because   obviously my name is cash i'm trying to save cash 
and preserve it and not spend it so I i'd rather   just you know focus on these four tools okay i'm 
going to show you a little bit about everyone   and you know definitely if this video can be long 
these videos can be long come back and check this   out again we will be promoting these videos once 
or twice a week check out our channel subscribe   to it like our videos we will be pursuing this 
strategy for the next few months so let me just   go into these so let's let's switch gears here 
and i'm going to go back to mid dentistry right   and then i'm just really just going to go 
to their home page i'm going to copy the url   right i'm going to go to which I already 
have it up and running very powerful tool i'm   actually using pretty much the free version of 
it when you go to that particular home page right   you know here it says enter a competitor okay 
i'm simply going to put in mint dentistry and   you can like I said you can put any of these 
any of your competitors in there right and then   you know spyfu is gonna do its thing okay 
it's actually what I like about this tool   is it breaks everything into this right and 
left left side is the seo right and the right   side is ppc which is pay-per-click we're really 
focusing on seo so look at that according to this   tool you know mint is really ranking for almost 
7 000 keywords that's incredible okay and they're   they're getting a lot of clicks they're getting 
approximately 55 000 clicks a month which is great   here are some of the competitors okay so you could 
again you could start with mint industry and go to you can also what I like about 
this tool is that they have this thing called   mortal combat i'm sorry not mortal kombat let's 
look of the the video game this is basically   the competitors right but look at this part 
this is venn diagram so they're showing you   you know these keywords that are shared 
between all the domains right those are   your core keywords that you could be focusing 
on right this is these are the top keywords for   for mint dentistry here are the top pages right 
okay find a dentist near me so you know you're   getting a lot ton of information here we 
will look at the ads in a little bit but   you can certainly go to this tab and find out you 
know if mint dentistry is running any ads right   so this is a very good tool if I go back I just 
want to see what's the next one the next tool   I have is semrush amazing amazing opportunity 
there as well in fact what I was doing earlier is   I just I ran an analysis a deeper analysis 
on dentistry but again let's just let's just   go to a different website i'm going to 
go to where's monarch dental let me just   pick this one up okay so when I go to monarch 
dental right and again i'm going to go to semrush   you know you can just run it through that tool 
okay it's going to take a little bit of time to   do its thing so while it's doing that i'm just 
going to let me just go to my next tool which is   not espionage but close enough right again and 
these are these are free free tools i'm not   paying for any of these services as far as i've 
checked and we have to look at my credit card   so same thing here you put in your competitor 
monarch dental and you you're going to search   right so again similar kind of concept 
it tells you like hey on google you know   they are on the first page for wow 610 keywords I 
mean that's that's a lot bigger company obviously   you can see their traffic trends over time 
so definitely going up which is a good thing   what I also like about this tool is it actually 
breaks down into bing and yahoo I know we always   talk about google but certainly there's this 
traffic and active users on bing and yahoo okay so   you can see that you know for this term implant 
dentistry cost they are number two they've been   moving up on some of these spots they've moved 
down okay so this is again a great tool for   you to research and in fact if I go back to 
spyfu i'm going to show you one thing here   that we will we will come back 
to google ads and ppc stuff later   but hey look at this if you wanted to compete 
with monarch dental you know they're spending   7 000 a month on google ads right so I mean 
that's you know that's the nature of the beast   I mean you're gonna have to you're gonna have to 
compete with that okay so now if I go back to I   think I may have run out of my requests for the 
day okay let me just go back and see what I had   earlier maybe I think I may have had a 
project here let me just check my project maybe I can just pull up that one and show you 
what it looks like here so I basically what you   can do here is you can create a project 
which basically gives you information on   you know your competitors so I what I did 
was I ran this on mint dentistry and what   I like about this tool is it gives you a 
lot of different areas you can do an audit   you can do position tracking on-page seo backlinks 
and whatnot okay so if I look at this one   let me i'm not sure this is gonna actually 
pull up because looks like I ran out of my   budget for the day but there you go I think it's 
giving me something that's not too bad so this is   the analysis it tells you their top three top 10 
keywords okay what are they ranking for and some   of their competition okay so I hope you found that 
one useful i'm actually going to let me just maybe   show you just the google keyword planner and then 
I think we are going to wrap this up for the day   so i'm logged into google ads I have 
a manager account actually where I can   i'm managing a lot of my customers in here 
actually but let's do this let me just   let me just go into this particular account this 
is just one of our internal test accounts so   we're not even running it but what I want to show 
you here is i'm i'm again logged into google ads   i'm going to go to tools okay planning and then 
keyword planner right used to be called keyword   tool it's changed names but if I go here i'm going 
to click discover new keywords and typically you   all know you put in keywords but i'm not going to 
do that today i'm actually simply going to pick   one of these so let me just pick this particular 
website okay i'm going to come over here say start   start with the keyword type in the keyword okay 
gives you some options and then i'm just going to   say get results okay so what is this going to 
do this is going to basically you know reverse   engineer the website I mean how cool is that 
okay and this is google telling you that hey   you know we feel that this particular website 
that you put in you know these are the keywords   that are relevant to this particular area and 
of course like I was mentioning you you know now   you have invisalign that's that they apparently 
focus on we did that with the site command okay   you can take this information you can actually 
download this so if you click here this will   actually push the data to I mean to excel right 
I mean some of you may be excel god so you can   you can take this information and i'm just really 
go crazy with it okay so I think that's it i'm   going to worth mentioning tools are some of 
these these are paid tools you know nothing   wrong with them they're just you know I i'm just 
kind of focusing on the free ones so check those   out and then yeah I think you know thank you for 
watching the video I hope you found this useful   please subscribe to our channel like this 
video you can certainly connect with us we are   we are based in Plano which is north of Dallas 
but we are online you know give u s send us an   email quick note if you liked it if you follow up 
any questions and we would love to work with you   have a good day thank you thank you so much for 
watching this video I hope you found this useful   please go ahead and subscribe to our 
youtube channel and if you could like   that video that would be great for additional 
information you are welcome to connect with us   through all of these avenues we have our 
website so that's data technology   I can show you this right here so this is this 
is our company we're based in dallas texas   you are also welcome to visit our social 
media pages so we're on and also on twitter 
which is the same one so let me show you that   here we try to definitely post on 
a regular basis and there's lots of   ideas and whatnot related to digital marketing 
and same thing here on twitter so it's

engage with us you know jump into the conversation   and that would be great and finally there's 
two more things we we are on linkedin so   this is our url for that and definitely on 
youtube so it's and so let   me just show you that linkedin is right 
here by the way and then youtube we have   we have more than 200 videos so definitely I 
would think you would find the channel quite   useful other than that once again I appreciate 
watching the video and you have a good day.

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