Microsoft Teams for Teachers – Tips for Successful Distance Learning

In today’s Teams tutorial, I’ll consider crucial tips-off for coaches. But some of these gratuities will assist you keep your students participated and some will help you get organized. I’m Leila from Xelplus and I teach an Excelcourse at colleges and universities. Last-place year, we switched to Teams. I also use Teams to teachnon-university courses. Now, if you’re brand new to Teams, make sure you watch this tutorial first which introduces you to thewhole Teams environment. Once you’re ready, let’sstart with my tips.( upbeat music) Tip number one, launchpolls from a cros. If you’d like to addpolls to your assemble, go to your calendar, go to the meeting you want to add the referendum toand click on the plus sign, then included the app Forms to your meeting.It’s going to ask you forpermissions, only click on Add and now you can create a pollbefore or during your cros. Let’s save this. To see how it seems, let’s create a brand-new ballot. Let’s supplemented a question, supplemented in our options and then decide on some important factors that affect our referendum. Do we want to share theresults automatically after voting so everyonecan see the results or do we want to keep these anonymous so only we can see the results.If you don’t want co-authors for your tally remove this and then save your survey. Notice merely I can see thispoll while it’s in draft mode. The minute I propelled the canvas, others can see it as well. Now you can create multiple surveys, opening some of these before the intersect and some during the meeting. In this case, I want to launchthis during the meeting. But one thing to mention though is that others can close your poll or delete your poll ifthey have presenter liberties. So if you don’t want yourstudents to mess with this, make sure in the details of your powwow, in the confront options right here that you have the rightpeople selected now who can present.If merely you should beresponsible for tallies, switch this to only meand save these options. Now let’s go and take a look at how this seems during a satisfy. I’m going to go aheadand join this meeting. I can see that Kim is already here and I have the referendums alternative. Now from Kim’s attitude, she can’t see any pollsyet, exclusively I can see these.So now I want to get the meeting started to see who has suffered with Power BI. I’m going to propel this. Now what happens is all the participants are going to get a pop up on their screen and they get to submit their results. Let’s refer a responseand click on Submit. Because the results aren’t anonymous, everyone gets to see the results. Tip number two, use together mode. If you have five or more students, you can use together mode tobring them in the same scene. Here I’m in the standard gallery view. Let’s go to more optionsand select together mode. This is going to seize eachof you in a separate chair. You can change the place here. Let’s go with this dark chairversion and click on Apply. So as he can see, we havestudents of all ages. Let’s go and see whatother backgrounds we have. Just go to Change Scene. Now the numbers on top arethe numbers of the persons that can be shown in each stage. I’m going to go with thisMinecraft one, click on Apply and now we’re in this more merriment setting.Together mode is great to bringthe people in the same scene and likewise realise more peoplevisible on the screen. Disable chit-chat during a intersect. If you find that your students are completely agitated by the chat and they’re not payingattention to what you’re saying because they’re havingtheir own fun in the schmooze, you can disable it during your confront. Merely going to see more optionsand adopt Cros Alternatives. On the bottom, you haveallow meeting chat. You can swap that is something that incapacitated. Now let’s just pause there. I want to show you something. Notice we also have anoption called in-meeting. This enables the chatonly during the meeting. So chat will be closedonce the gratify is over. Now, check this out. The instant I press save, they’re going to stop having fun because chat is going to be closed and they have to payattention to what I’m saying.We can see here, chat has been closed. Now you can go back andturn it on anytime you require. Tip number four, annotateyour screen with Zoomit. Zoomit is a free app thathelps you annotate your screen as you’re presenting. It likewise is contributing to easilyzoom in and zoom out. To download it, exactly Google or Bing it. You’re going to see a linkto the website, simply click on it.It’s going to take youto the download page. Now, you just have todownload it and then run it and then Zoomit will beavailable in your tray. You triggered with hotkeys. So if I scroll down here, you’re going to see a register of shortcuts that you can use as you’re presenting. Now you are probably going to pick a few that you’re going to stick to and they’re pretty easy to remember. So I’ve already downloaded it. I’m just going to jump into a meeting and prove you how youcan use these in action. Okay, so here I’m in a meetingand I just wanted to share my screen. Let’s share a desktop and let’s say I want tocover the aggregate gathering with my students.To zoom in, I’m goingto use Control+ One. to bring attention to aspecific part of this formula, I can use Control, adopt the left mouse key and proceed a rectangle. To proceed an arrow exploit Control+ Shift. And you can change the thickness of these and the color of your annotationsby holding down Control and scrolling you clear yourink either thinner or thicker. If you’d like to change the shade, you can use the shortcutkey B changed into off-color, G changed into green and so on. Now all of these shortcuts is available on the sheet that I demo you before. To get rid of all yourannotations and reset the zoom, merely press Escape. If you’d like to use theannotations without zooming in, you can use Control+ Two to activate the ink and then use the other shortcutsto annotate your screen.Press flee to leave the annotation mode. Tip number five, help two machines. Squandering another invention is a great way to check students’ knowledge. It’s also great if you’resharing your desktop and you want to keep your eye on chat. The nature you can do this is tofirst log in from the invention you’ll be using to present. Just so you get everythingset up for the join. So in such cases, I’ve startedthe meeting from my PC and I’m going to share my screen. Let’s share desktop. Then I’m going to join themeeting from another manoeuvre. So if you have a secondlaptop or tablet available, entering to Teams with the same username and then join the assemble again.So in such cases the intersect I’mjoining is a channel meeting but this works for any meeting. Just make sure you deactivateyour audio and camera on the second device and then join. You can then bring up thechat and to keep your eye on screen resolution, zoomlevel and student know-how. Tip number six, downloadthe attendance list. As long as the convene is active, you can download the directory of participants. While you’re in the meeting, go to Show Participants. Under More Actions, you candownload the attendance register. This downloads an Excel file. Let’s go ahead and openit is how it appears. You get the full honour ofthe person, the action, so whether the government has attached or left and the timestamp for that action.Tip number seven, use the whiteboard. When you’re in a meeting, you can share the whiteboard with students to allow them to participate more in the engagement. To share the whiteboard, go to share options and select Microsoft whiteboard. Now the first time youopened this in the fulfill, you can decide if only you can edit or if you want to collaborate with the students on the whiteboard, we’re going to go ahead and collaborate. This room, each student can go and computed their input onto the whiteboard. They can add observes here, adjust size, move these around, reform the hue and so on. If at any point in time, youwant to turn off the ability for them to be able toedit the whiteboard, go to Settings hereand turn off the option that other participants can edit.This style, merely you are incontrol of the whiteboard and you can add some information for them and leave this on the screen so that everyone can see. Tip number eight, checkyour undertaking options. Let’s contributed a new assignmentto this team here. So I’m going to go to Teamto the general channel and in the tabs now, adopt Assignings. Currently, there aren’tany duties now. So let’s quickly start one. We can choose to create a quiz or an assigning or use an existing one. I’m going to go ahead andcreate a new allocation. Give your duty a claim. Add in any instructions you miss. You are also welcome to upload additional resources, put in how many pointsyou want this to have. I’m going to go with 20. This is the class it’s assigned to is currently assigned to all students, but here’s an importantoption that’s quite concealeds. It says … …, don’t assign to students added to this class in the future. You can change this. So in case a studententers the class later on after the assignment has been created they will get notified that there is anassignment for them to do. So I’m going to selectassigned to all students added to this class intofuture and click on Done. Next, you can define thedue date and the time due, and here you even have more alternatives because if I go aheadand click on Assign here, it’s going to create theassignment right away. Now I can save this in mydrafts and assign it later but I can also schedule this. So let’s go to Revise and schedulethe undertaking to go live at some quality in the future. Place a check mark here andthen adopt your announce date.So let’s make thisassignment go live on Friday and for post season, let’s go with 4:00 p.m. Due time is Sunday midnight, that’s great. You likewise get to decide whetheryou want to close this off so that late turn-in aren’t allowed. If you check this check box, they can’t turn it in. If you leave it unchecked, they can turn it in after the due date. Once you’ve adjusted these, click on Done.Now, in addition tothis, you too can decide where to affix the notificationabout this assignment. Default is general, but you can edit that because this assignment is about Power BI, I’m going to announce itto the Power BI channel and click on Done, and then schedule this. Tip number nine, updateassignments defines. Once you have an assignment set up, you can adjust the defaultfor future allocations. Go to More Options here andselect Assignment Settings. So you can change the default due date for all your future works. I’m going to change this to 6:00 p.m. If you require new studentsto receive undertakings that you organized before they attached theclass, switch this to yes. You get to too vary the default channel that you employed notifications inabout undertakings right here. Now remember you cancontrol these separately from each assignment but this allows you to set some defaults so you don’t have to changethese settings all the time. Enable turn in celebrationsis on in this team. This is what they see whenthey turn in an assignment.If you don’t want themto get the celebration, you can turn this off. And eventually tip-off figure 10, draw student figures anonymouswhen you’re grading. So let’s say I’m ready tograde some assignings, I’m going to climb to the assignment tab and let’s go to the Power BI dashboard. Now in this case, exclusively two parties have turned in the naming, but let’s assume thateveryone has turned it in and I’m ready to point these.To make sure I’m notbiased towards anyone, I can disguise the refers. So go to alternatives now andhide the student appoints. This is going to shuffleand hide the figures. This action you can review theassignment, give your feedback, lay in your grades and once you’re done, you can show the student specifies. I hope you acquired some new tips-off here that you can apply to your future grades. If you have gratuities of your own, satisfy share these in the comments. I’d love to know andI’m sure other schoolteachers will benefit as well. Now, before you leave, ifyou’re new to this channel, welcome and make sure you subscribe if you want to improve yourskills and stay up to date.Thank you for watching andI’ll told you in the next video.( upbeat music ).

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