I guess I don't today's video is going to be regarding the obd2 codes from PC or 102 p 0 1 2 4 which are related to the throttle position sensor I'm going to show you a couple different ways to test them the throttle position sensors on the vehicle off the vehicle using a voltmeter ammeter and a portable scanner and I'm also going to describe what these colors mean alright so the first code is the p0 120 which means throw position sensors it would not function your throw position sensor at least the fabric store position sensors without 3 wires you have a power wire signal wire and ground wire the power wire will receive five bolts from the ECM the car's computer the signal wire is the one that will send the signal back to the computer with the information stand by the sensor at idle you're going to have about 0.45 volts or half a volt in the wide-open throttle the entire farm the entire five holes will be sent back the throttle position sensor is not only bolted on the opposite side of your throttle cable and your throttle body so the throttle position sensor will move as you accelerate and that's the reason why as the resistance changes in your throttle position sensor the voltage sent back your computer will also change now if the information that is being sent by the map sensor or mass airflow sensor whichever the case and the information sent by the throttle position sensor does not match the specified parameters that also could trigger the PCO 120 code so those are factors that can also into account the next code is p0 1 2 1 which is throttle position sensor circuit or range performance problem da Kobo will trigger when there is a short in the sensor or during this trial when you accelerate there is a break so there is something sure in the sensor out or the resistor inside is malfunctioning and it has a lack of signal or short to ground signal it will trigger that code one of the things that you want to make sure of before just replacing the sensor will be obviously tested with an ohm meter which I'll show you later and make sure your connections are clean plus make sure that the wiring harness is not wrong occasions a metal part of your vehicle because during vibration of during just regular driving if the harness is touching metal it was short to ground which in which it would cause that code so it's always important to review the simple stuff before replacing an expensive sensor that may not fix your problem after all next code is p0 1 to 2 which is throttle position sensor circuit low input this code will be said when the initial voltage when the car the idle is somewhere between zero point one seven zero point two volts or less depending on the manufacturer remember that the voltage that is sent to the computer io should be anywhere between 0.45 to half a volt so anything less than now like I said point 1 7 or less is definitely a traitor this code now some of the sensors are adjustable you'll see a slot on the money which at that point you can try to adjust it and then you can move it a little bit and try to set the initial voltage you know testing it with your voltmeter and try to come close to 0.45 to half a volt now fixing the initial voltage it's not enough either you have to make sure that when you accelerate to wide open throttle you had the 5 volts otherwise you learned that triggering another code which will be related to the high input so when you have a bad sensor adjustment it may not cure your problem but it doesn't hurt to try provided that you verify both signals the idle and the white all plane next code is p0 1 2 3 which is throttle position sensor high input this code will set when your key is on and the throttle position sensor signal isomer around the 4 volts or maybe even higher or your cars at idle and the voltage is that high when it's supposed to be only half of all that's not only caused by a defective sensor it's easy to find out because all you have to do is just from what's coming out with your Bonita and you'll be able to determine it that's your problem so p0 so p0 1 2 3 you know nine out of 10 times problem because by defective sensor Lesko related to the throttle position sensor is the p0 1 2 4 which is throw a position sensor circuit in ur mini as the code implies generating means intermittent signal so at some point during its travel you will have me their absence or signal or spike to high or low pretty much the sensor statement will be all over the place and as you test it with an ohm meter you will definitely be able to know if that is what's causing it don't forget to check your connection though because if your connection is bad or is corroded it could also trigger that code and you know it can be just fixed just by cleaning your electrical connection very simple so don't just jump to replace the sensor before in a little bit of otherwise you can spend money that didn't need to be spent and we're going on to testing the sensor outside of you I make my job easier I'm going to do I'm going to put these flips on the pins that are going to test just the signal on the ground if I want to do an ounce test I need to signal on the ground it's obviously the power is now you can use different um steps put up there put the ground on the ground put the positive with the signal and come up one meter on to the bathroom okay so once I have my leads connected to the on meter you can see ways up and then what you do you use the screwdriver and you move it very slowly and you want to find make sure that there are no breaks in it you know that as you gradually move it the resistant change naturally you don't have any spikes on the back very slow make sure that your signal moves very very smoothly if it's digital you can see it that way I'm using an analog or meter just so you can actually see the gauge but there you go so that's that's how you want to test for assistance and then like I said the wires that you use is the ground and the signal wire this by the way was a nice on sensor this is a GM throttle position sensor slightly different in design the way to find out which one is your which one's your single wire which is your power which one's your ground when when the sensor is connected on the vehicle and the harness is on just like paper clips in them making sure that they don't touch each other you use a voltmeter to Pro you turn the key on and then you probably to wire is coming that is connected to the sensor you're going to find one that has five volts you can have one that has like half of all which is your signal you can have one that doesn't have any power which is your ground so at that point you just take note of which one is which and then you can just go ahead and test it simple as that to test the throttle position sensor on the vehicle you can do it two different ways you can unplug it do the arms that's the way I show you when the sensor was outside or you can just leave it connected instead peel the insulation back turn your key on find out which wire is which you know which one's your signal which one's your ground which one is your power and with the key on but without the engine running just the key on what you do you probe your voltmeter not be on you know you center on both this time low voltage that way you can retail the five so you put it on your signal but idle without accelerating it should be between 0.45 to 5 as you accelerate as you move the accelerator you know you can move it with your hands it's in the opposite side of the sensors very easy to do so as you move it the signal should change doing it connected is also good way to set the initial setting which is you know the half of all the we're ready discussed so you can do it either way you can do it with the own meter disconnected voltmeter with it connected alright so the last test I'm gonna show you is with the handheld scanner what you want to do is turn your key on and set it all to your vehicle that you're working with and then you're going to go to view data feature on your handheld scan so it's going to open all the sensors and then what you want to do is you want to select your throttle position sensor or you want to find it because that's the one that you're trying to read right now TPS and then last you accelerate the value will change see right there is 99.6% and then you decelerate then it goes back down it will changes as you're accelerating you can also try to view it in a graph by pressing enter and it will graph it for you so this will give even a better idea because you can accelerate a little bit see what it does close you can start your car so you're pretty much good an idea you know what a healthy throttle position very healthy sick now you guys know how to check the throttle position sensor and few different ways on the vehicle of the vehicle with the one meter voltmeter handheld scanner this information should be all you need to diagnose a bad sensor and hopefully when you're going through the testing you problem may just be a bad connection and it will save you from buying a sensor just because the code set doesn't mean that replacing the part is going to take care of the problem that's one of the problems that a lot of auto enthusiasts that may not have a lot of experience will run into they'll just whenever they see a code they'll replace the part that's related to that code and hoping that that fixes their problem sometimes they get lucky and then it gets fixed but a lot of the tanks that was not the case and then you ended up spending money when you didn't need to but when you only have one code is easy to figure it out but you have several codes then you really have to figure out which one really is your problem make sure you visit our online store have a lot of deals on auto accessories tools very great prices see you next time
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