11 Chrome Settings You Should Change Now!

How's it going everyone, I'm ThioJoe, and today we're going to take a look at 11 settings in Google Chrome that you should probably change. These may be things you'll want to disable, or cool stuff that is disabled by default, that you will want to enable. Now, I'm using version 63 of Chrome, which is actually the current beta version, so if you're watching this video at a later date, or you're not using the beta version, things may look a bit different, so don't be surprised at that.…

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Google Chrome & Security: Sandboxing

Building the most secure browsers as possible is a top priority for the Google Chrome team. Safe Browser assists protect against menaces such as phishing and malware that could potentially be harmful Steal passwords or do worse. So, sandbox is a feature that we created in Google Chrome to develop browser security. Here’s how sandbox state employs: In Chrome, every website or network app that you open in the browser is a process Separate and independent. For illustration, if you open three different websites in three separate browser invoices, then…

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