hey hey hey what’s going onhope you’re having an amazing daytime i’m instruct manny rodriguezi get the pleasure of talking to you this evening i’m going to sharesome stuff social media wise networking smart-alecky basically kind ofupdating you on things so i hope you enjoy itas much as i do let me let me take those offi’m coach manny rodriguez the founder of the social mediaand networking group where we network we learn social mediaand we take action as a group and that is exactly how the social medianetworking evidence was born i love educating parties onsocial media i love coaching beings to get resultsusing social media so what does social media and networkinghave to do with one another well personal testimonyit’s cured me proliferate my business it’s cured me get to a whole anotherlevel in lifetime here’s what i’m referring to when istarted networking it opened up so many more openings and wheni’m talking about networking i’m talking about business networkingi’m not talking about computer networking i’m talking about going tomeetings and cros other business peopleentrepreneurs small business owners even people who work for other peoplewho are there to network and learn and growso i wanted to share that with you and i hope you get some value from thisand let me merely coming soon right fromthe come okay learning how to use a softwareusing the application i’m streaming to facebook and i’mstreaming to youtube and right away i noticed thatmy youtube video is unlistedso i’ma tell you right up front i’m going to utter mistakesi can live with that that’s part of growing but i am also going to tell youthis is that this show will get better every week we’ll have different guestson that’s going to talk about either social media or networkingbut they’re going to be on to educate to help you grow whether you’re usingsocial media for your business or you’re using networking to grow yourbusiness this is the show for you so let’s getstarted the the first thing i want to do is iwant to share some informs with you okay because as you are familiar with social media isa big part we have a group called the smn the social media networking groupwe assemble every single thursday morning right now we’re virtually and so i’malways educating on social mediaand we network together so part of what i want to do is i want to keep youupdated on social media things that are going onwhether it’s updates to a programme whether it’s things youshould know about i just want to share with youexactly how those things are working out thereso that you know exactly what you need to stay on top of okay sofirst thing i would like to speak about is did you see thatinstagram reels has launched what’s instagram spools basicallyit’s it’s instagram’s explanation of tick-tock here’s the thingmost of how tick-tock has grown and formed suchuh where it’s like one of the fastest if not thefastest growing programmes out there most popular ones uhmost veering ones here’s a lot of instagram’s growththey have imitation other people’s things instagram legends where do you thinkthey came that from right snapchat so think about thatreels is the their version of tick-tock okay tick-tock’s been in the news i’mgoing to talk about tick-tock a little bitbut if you stop and you think about it clicked tock was going so popular becauseof the presentation right just like you should be doing in yourbusiness as you’re educating parties you should definitely be entertainingthis is why i’m not just coming in front of youand sharing i’m trying to be a little inventive to help keep youinterested right my portion of entertainmentin something that i’m passionate about doing ticking tock isall it’s all recreation funny laughter uh creativeit’s amazing how creative some people can beright so should you pay attention well right now i don’t know what’s goingon with tick tock themselves and they’re certainly in the newsbecause donald trump said he would approve something right soi’m in the u.s so this is a big deal for me of coursebut here’s the truth instagram reels should you be paying attention yes ifyou actually look at instagram reels right now you’llnotice most of it examines just like the tic tocvideos like they just made them off a ticking tockand situated them over here and over the last week beings have beendownloading their click tock videos because they don’t knowwhat’s gonna happen they don’t know if they’re gonna lose all of their stuffright so they’re just downloading saving all of their nonsense the best that theycan so instagram reels is going to berelevant now how relevant i considered it important that measures howthis agreement working out for ticking tock right so if this transaction was to fall through andno one buys and it’s you know turn from you know from the usfaster than you know then guess what then instagram reelswill go through the ceiling much more fasteryou know but instagram previously has an audience right they already have anaudience so this establishes appreciation again instagram paying attention towhat’s going on around them right what’s their event doingyou know facebook once offered snapchat i don’t know how many billions twobillion i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know the number off the top ofmy head but they offered them a great deal of fund snapchatsaid no claim what did they do they bought instagram and they vanished andyou know now they now they have the same thingor you know snapchat still still seems to have a little bit differentbecause snap the the parent companionship behind itthey’re doing creative things with like eyewearvirtual reality stuff you know so so they are trying to have their own littleniche but like these instagram storiesstraight off of you are familiar with snapchat so you are able to payattention to spools it’s a part of instagram if you’realready employing instagram then you should definitely be usingreels okay so that’s the first modernize instagram spools that was aboutaugust that they launched that so twitter chirp hasbeen in the news a little bit they’re always in the news because you know ourpresident adores tweeting on there but now they’reoffering or soon to offer where so where you’re able to use videotalking to direct letter people so when you tweet when you you tweet youalready can attach and of audio to that you canalready attach a little audio that makes parties hear you withthat now maybe not everyone has that featureactually but soon you’ll be able to send audiodms direct contents like facebook messenger with facebookmessenger you can literally smacked the microphone and leave a messagewell before you know it right now testing phasethat’s exactly what twitter’s doing where you can send an audiothrough your direct send okay so that’s another modernize if you’re atwitter customer now you know i could talk all differentthings that go on on instagram on twitter on ticking tockbut what my purpose is i want to share things that can be relevant to youyou know things you may not know okay so that’s that’s one of the thingsi wanted to make sure that you’re on the same page forand let me get this one screen ready because i am going to be sharingyou my screen let’s see this is one two okay let me bring up this which onewould it be or display three perhaps seeokay so i just want to have that up therelet’s see if “i m changing” that excellent okayi’m gonna be using that here in a second to show you guys something i wanted tomake sure i was ready for it so tick tock click tock isthey’re always in the news be especially ifdonald trump you know the u.s chairwoman is going to be talking about itthey’re always in the news because of this data stuffdata breach china data you know you get the idea i’m sure thatthis is not news to you you know but one of thethings that parties i even removed that the tick tock appoff of my phone i don’t really worry about things youknow i don’t care i signify i care if my phone was toget hacked and things like that you know but what iam trying to not to do is have an app on there that can thatis can perfectly if when a person is if they’re getting censored for reasonsi’m gonna be a skeptic about it right so there must be something there that idon’t understand so i deleted the app off of my phoneit’s probably been a couple months ago and tobe honest with you it’s an addictive app it if you’ve not been on tick tockgo check it out if you have been on tick tock you know what i’m talking aboutit can gather you in with those pioneers they areso creative on what they do and that’s exactly how that’s a one ofthe big-hearted reasons why i appreciate them right you you want to be creativeyou want to laugh you want to share you want to hear you want to learn you wantto find other ways to have human connectionsright ticking tock actually brings this i cannot tell you how many times i waswatching a tick tock video and had this feeling like howsuper cool this family’s doing this how super coolthat you know a senior citizen was gettingout there and exactly having so much fun on this i thought that was that wasthere was so many touching moments with click tock but thisdata stuff did get to me so that’sthe truth on that you know and with that being saidtick tock is in the news again okay why are they in the news again wellthis week donald trump mentioned well number one it was already up in theair whether he was it was going to be gonewe’re getting to where i think 80 they even granted it till sunday if somethingdidn’t happen by yesterday they were going to be bannedor or something i’d have to go and double check so i’m giving you half ofi know i’m accurate on what i’m sharing i just don’t know exactlywhat like was he gonna ban it was he gonna get rid of it it was gonna besomething bad that everyone was gonna probably be deletingit right away so then it was announcedthat oracle and walmart received some approvalto acquire uh like 20 of ticking tock soit’s still croaking what does this actually symbolize though okay so if our nervousnes wasdata transgres they have your information do you know what oracle does right doyou know what oracle does they’re all about data and gatheringdata their data software company right theyoffer data services sodo you get this they’re going to be collecting dataand from what it looks like one of the owners is a big contributorone of the sage proprietors is a big contributor todonald trump so depart person how that works againi don’t know politics i’m not going to act like i know politics i don’t want toeven talk politics but think aboutthat for a second so it looks like it’s a good deali am a walmart supporter you know i think that expenditures are greatthey demonstrate an easy opportunity because they’re everywhereyou know so did walmart stocks rise i don’t know they probablyjumped you i don’t know i haven’t checked thatpart to actually cause that so i’m not gonna query that if you knowjust comment below which what it is that you can share that’s accurateyou know but now that we know that tick tockis probably gonna stay relevant do you think thatthat momentum will change i don’t think that momentum is gonna changemy question though is how come musically didn’t lasti remember musically i thought it was gaining a little momentumyou know and i have been able to even remember putting a video upwhen i was sitting around with some friends and i was like they wanted tohave some fun with it so we made a musically video upand then tick tock bought them or somethingso tick tock is owned by motorcycle dance bike dance is a chinacompany now with that being said i’m sure that’s why we had so manyproblems here with the data because obviously china canknow exactly what we’re doing but again i don’t understand the ins and outs andi’m not going to try to understand but that this is probably something weshould be aware of don’t you think so you know it is what it is okayso are you on click tock if you’re on tick tock leave a commentbelow let me know let me know and let me know your handlebecause if they are going to square this away idefinitely want to be on tick tock and i might even actually put up some videosand actually addition because that thing is definitely gainingmomentum okay and guess what when there’s momentum andthere’s a lot of people and your parties are thereyou know the people that you’re trying to be in front of for your businessguess what you should be on there too rightso depending on who you’re catering to and who you’re servingyour public is most likely there and why not be ahead of the packbefore everyone comes on it and then you’re behind on the pack so think aboutthat so facebook updatessome of you probably heard this the ter theirterms of service their tos is going to be changing that’s rightfacebook’s tos is going to be changing what does that mean for you well itdepends do you put up videos that have music init well yeah they’re letting you knowthey’re not responsible and they’re coming directly to youdon’t try to hold facebook responsible basicallyanother thing that you got to be careful for is they’re going to be policing yourvoice a little more if you’re someone who does not want yourvoice to be police well get ready to probably be upsetbecause they’re going to be watching what you’re saying they’re going to bethey’re going to be filtering it out more and basicallyi don’t really know their ultimate plan behind it i don’t know if theiragenda ought to have more safe room for people’smental opening because truth is if you is letting allthis garbage in that freaking hurts it hurts and itbrings you down and it doesn’t do good foryou with that being said my entirety target behind thatis if you want to have a voice because technically speaking you should have avoice that’s all that’s up to you facebook mayupset you a little bit more i can tell you there are some showsyou’re probably familiar with the mark k show that’s a show that’s going to bemore filtered and you know he’s trying to to keep thatalive and not be taken away so there’s differentthings that you have to be careful for and it’s all based on your expres what isit that you’re talking about what is it that you’re sayingare you talking politics now if you’re in business and you talk politicsyou’re pretty much probably eliminating half your public if if you don’t carethen great that that you do you right if you are someone that the police officers your ownvoice and you don’t want to be isolating so manythen you don’t really have to worry but you do have to worry about the musicthat you was put forward the audio that you use so i couldliterally be at an occurrence you know and a automobile continue booming by withsome thunderou music that is very clear on my on my video right right awaythat’s going to be on lockdown and it’s going to probablybe worse come october first i was in thomastonon the stlouis zoo one time and i was just trying to film the reveal like how super cool isthis not thinking about the music that wentwith the show and i speedily got anotice that some of this music may be copyrightyep they’re right i didn’t mean i didn’t mean to time that and here’s the truthputting that renunciation that this music doesn’t belong to youdoesn’t help you one part okay in order to be allowed to deter putting it on but it ain’tgoing to prevent you from being sued if you were to use it in a manner thatyou shouldn’t be using it you know and sometimes even youtube willtell you you don’t have rights to music that they say is royalty freeso sometimes just got to keep being careful you know with the music thatyou’re playing with the music that you’re choosingthere’s some immense neighbourhoods to get music out thereyou know but these are some revises that you should beaware of let’s make sure that i’m coveringoh i did forget when i was uh i haven’t even hit on this yet have ii’ll get back to it yes i did hit on twitter okay since ihit on twitter i’m gonna get back to go back to chirp real quick becausethis is why it’s good to have notes that course you can stay with your what youwanted to share and at the end you’re not like man i ishould i forgot to say this i forgot to say thatnotes there’s nothing wrong with tones okay sotwitter twitter is experimenting an in-app verification meaning thatyou can work on getting your little czech off-color badgepass propose you’re an genuine history so before you had to send out or dosomething like that but now they’re giving youthe option or if they’re rolled it out it’s still in the testing chapter butwe’re inside the app you are eligible to click on the button to verifyinstagram only did this as well in-app verification where right from theapp you can work on verifying who you are facebook i used to be averified account and then now i got to re grow it all fortheir partiality right because they’re looking for a certainaudience involvement esteem to getyour proof i do i should try it again thoughsoon because it has been a while but that’s a those are the couple twitterupdates so back to facebook i wanted to make sure i hit on some of this stuffso facebook they’re radicals very popular rightvery popular here’s the thing about facebook groupsfacebook wants your groups to be about communityif it’s one thing i’m always saying that if you’re heading abusiness right you’re in a business you’rewanting to grow a business your brand a brandwhatever it is right you should be part of a movementyou should be leading a campaign the free movement of persons to help people solve theproblems that you help solve okay because you should be ina business where you are a solution to someone’s problemi don’t know i don’t go to walmart to buy food just for fun of it right it’s asolution to my trouble i need food freedom sowhen you’re going to stir your purchases or what the stuff that you’re into you there’s a reason that you’re into it nowsometimes clearly you just like patronizing right sometimes you just liketo shop for clothes even when you don’t need clothesyou like to shop for shoes even when you don’t need shoes right thosethose are not want you know needs those are justthose are just things you cherish right so but when it comes to facebook groupsfacebook’s all about parish they want you to build atribe they want you to build a be a leader of somethingso facebook is watching that your groups are not being dead i gotnotification about a group i was a part ofokay and i got notification i should have i should have screenshotted itagain every week i’m going to get better at this i’ll have a lot more imagesbecause i’m learning right and got to kick the first one off justto learn but i got a notification that gave methe option to be an admin of a of agroup that they were going to close down okay facebookis looking to clean up groups if you are not have an engagementright that’s not a good clue you are familiar with so even if you do a great deal of uh direct salegroups and not direct sale groups but likei forget what they’re called like uh it’s slipping my mind butuh so syndication groups or radicals that say you know doa ladder everyone go like like like and thenyou will all go like yours those type of groupswhen you’re when you get people that say done like okay i extended and liked yoursdone allow them know hey i’m done now golike mine no good don’t let your group do thatif “youve had” that as a programme as something that you done so in your groupsdon’t get it on anymore because here’s why that is looking like spamto the facebook bots so when they’re doing their research to see is there alot of done done done done done done you’re notusing this scaffold properly so facebook is cleaning up their groupsagain they’re all about society they require you to feel like you’rethere with household gravely but for businessmake it about your push making about the movement that you’re helping peoplethat’s still community right you’re the leader of thiscommunity so i most recommend that you payattention to that okay so this is so cool sokey when you’re thinking about facebook groupslet’s make sure i’m hitting on everythinglet’s see here uh what other facebook did i talk about that i talked aboutthat okay oh the business suite have you guys heardabout facebook’s business suitenow technically it’s mostly the same as umtheir business uh the back sheet i i’m forgetting what it’s called rightnow let’s seelet me write that down before i forget so i’mwhatever but the locate the business suites is just like it’soperating as your desktop your your facebook creatorstudio now the facebook designer studio ihighly recommend that’s where you invest a good deal of timeokay because you’re going to have your facebook designer studio where you caneven planned your posts and you can schedule you can postto floors from there so with instagram you can’t you can’t goto it you are unable go to instagram to postyour narratives or your you are unable go to instagram topost squandering the app to to affix on therewith the pioneer studio you can go and use your desktop if you go toinstagram.com you can’t post content on there working your laptop ordesktop but if you’re in the facebook creatorstudio you can schedule out the berth you canpost to your floors you can post it determines it so much easier your businesssuite has a little of everything it’s justlike it clangs it’s your collection like g suite for google it’s business collection butit’s facebook business suite here’sfacebook’s goal you know and i’ll elaborate more onfacebook collection it’s something new that they’rejust rolled out so nothing big there that you need to know like right awaybecause i’ll clearly be reaching on it some more butwhat the business suite is doing is like it’s it’s more likethey’re renaming apps and putting it in your business suite basicallyjust like google did with google converge it was hangouts right now it’s google meand it’s a part of your g suite right so you are familiar with facebook’s goal is to keep youon facebook period period be reminded that okayso if i’m forgetting anything i’ll make sure i hit on itnext week i’m trying to keep this i was going to say 30 hours but somethingtells me i’m way past that let’s see where i’m at i am past 32 instants so my goal was no longer than 15 moreminutes so 45 times so i want to share with yousomething this is the portion of the did you knowsection okay i want to share with you something you mayor may not know if you do know huge thank you happy that you do knowbut i’ma share because a lot of people may not knowthis here’s a tip-off okay let me find my screen i told myselfto have this up but a bond “well so onfacebook do you know what’s saved let’s make sure i have this savedpoststar a lot of people do not know that you cansave berths so that you can view them laterwhy does that are important well one of the things that youwant to do on your facebook sheet or your facebookor your you know even you as a business followyour competition what are they doing what are they doinghow are they inventive okay so sometimes let me bring this up now okay so here is my facebook page rightso on my facebook sheet one of the things that i get a lot are sponsoredads so i’m looking at a sponsored ad right nowthis is not a message that is resonating with what i’m doing or who i’m trying toyou know be in front of so it’s not a message i want to savebut sometimes i’ll come across things that i want tosave to take a look at last-minute maybe it’s a greatad that reverberates with what i do maybe it’s someone’s affix that i want toshare with my class and i don’t want to forget soyou go up to let’s say this is the ad i wannayeah i’m gonna you know i’m gonna come back to this later you click on thethree buttons here and you’ll check save join why isn’t itsaying save okay it goes to your saved pieces aswell so now it went to my saveditems save to for later where it simply be for me icould save it to business and finance i can save it to science and tech nowthose are defaulted by facebook right i can add a newcollection uh ads to follow up on rightand then i form it and boom it’s saved there now how do i depart findthis and you’ll watch other ads i’ve saved click on the on your left right there scroll on down where am i saved where is my savethis is the new facebook so perhaps they moved it on meit was over here though interesting there we go i was gonna saysave so this is the saved invoice these are what i have savedokay not too sure why i’m saving some of these sometimesbut these are all the things that i have saved so i canwatch it last-minute and i do i’m getting ready to do our virtualsummit we have a virtual conference coming up andi want to look what other beings are doing for meetings i want to see theirregistration sheet i want to see their bring pagei want to see how they’re going about it rightso that’s what i’m doing i’ll save it for laterthis was a great post by aaron parker i shared it with our class right i sharedit with some people that are in the same industry as he isyou know another great upright this was an adright so i was going back so that i could look at itat a later time for inspiration to get projects or to share with other peoplethat are in my class so they can get a better idea of what it is that i’mtalking about so exploiting this saved feature is a greatway to stay on top of things so that you can go back to itlater you know if you’re looking for revelation on a postif you’re looking for something you don’t want to forget if you’re lookingfor brainchild on a facebook ad that works right sopeople ever wondering like how do i do an adif i’m in direct sales well guess what thisaaron parker and this was an ad that came on my timelineso i saved it so i can share with other parties you are familiar with and it’s got a lot ofengagement so as a success like hey you can be indirect sales and have successful ads and this is an example right sothat is how you use saved posts immense next upreal talk this is where i’m going to just bereal with you and i want to share from personal experience when you choose to do social media anddo and to learn it on your ownyou have to be ready to take action you have to beready to drop the ball you have to be readyto mess up but you too have to be ready to get back up and here’s why ishared this here’s why i share this personalpersonal testimony there have been so many times that i’ve had toi won’t say so many times but my very first full-time job in collegeright i was in college i was a dad at 16 year olds rightso i had child assist pretty young so in for myselfin college i was i went to college for a whileright and longer than four years let’s saybut i got my firstly full-time job while i was still in collegeand that was my first ordeal it was in retailthat was my first event with i don’t want to work for myself for therest of my life and i every year i positioned points and everyyear i fail to achieve those goals but every year i learned fromthose goals that i set and did not reach and why i did not reach themunderstanding me understanding what i was shooting for you knowthe ups and downs the teaches the lettingother beings down you know the being human mostly right you knowbut here’s the real truth you only miscarry when you quitand that was the one thing that i never stoppedbelieving in who i was and what i was capable ofdoing and here is the truth you have to think the same way when itcomes to your social media marketing when it comes to networking okayyou have to ask yourself you have to ask yourselfwhat it is that you want and you have to make daily actioni do not know the last time i literally have had a day off to merely donothing and then unwind i take that back my anniversary weekend i did make someuh we did have i i that was my last-place decompressthat was june 9th weekend and you know if you don’t make the time todo it and take steps and be accountable toyourself sure everyone needs a coach that’s why ilove being a coach and even as a coach i have a coacheveryone needs a coach everyone needs accountability because ashumans is so easy for example this depict i’ve meant tolaunch this thing two to three weeks ago right but did i just not do itno i just felt i wasn’t ready you know blah blah blah baloney righttoday i still feel like i’m not ready but i wasn’t gonna gave it settled i wasn’tgonna let it go off another week this is episode one of the smn showcoming at you straight-out from my virtual studioat home and truth is you have to take action or you canhire it out and cause someone else do it for youbut you have to show up if you absolutely demand social media to workyou have to show up if you miss networking to workyou have to show up because no one’s going to do it for youand if you are in a certain rut or situationor part of your life you’re not specially proud ofguess what tomorrow’s a new period you get to do something about itwhat are you gonna do what are you gonna dothat’s my question to you so with that being said i want to leave youwith this networking tip so the networking tip that i want toshare and here’s the thing i love networking but one of the most difficult thingsthat i’ve learned about networking when i’m going out there andi’m fulfill parties learning beings you know talking topeople building liaisons the one thing i have learned from dayone that i have just been put with it’s not about me it’s not about mei cannot be this guy i cannot be this person i cannot be the shark i cannot be theshark that is just looking for food where’s myfood where’s my food i cannot be situations where rightwhen you go to networking when you go to networking you’re going to network withother people it’s about others that you can helpokay it will come back to you now do you want to waste a great deal of timein ways that’s not fertile for your business no butunderstand you’re not going to network with the sole intention thatwho can i eat who’s my next victim who’s where’s my menu coming fromno go there who can i help how can i get in front of people by facilitating morepeople if you’re moving furniture and i’mavailable i want to help you move if you need anything that i can helpeducate you on and we and you’ve not taken up a bunchof my epoch i want to help you i want to help you get started okaygo out there and help others get started how can you help someone come forwardhow can you help someone moving forward how can you be in front of other peopleit will come back to you it may not come back to you directlybut indirectly i promise you it will come backand here’s how it won’t come back out of sight out of mindif you don’t stay in front of parties when you’re networkingthey’ll only recollect you as that person who is that personi literally had that time this week who was that person that used to comea lot i don’t remember who i was talking aboutbut i had that minute i could not remember the nameoh that’s right someone reminded me like oh my that’s right that’s the namei are of the view that clanged familiar right out of sight out of mind when you startnetworking go and help other beings be in front ofother people they will listen to you in yourinfomercials they will listen to you when they ask youquestions but start when you’re sitting with peopleask them questions get them let them talk because if you’re theone talking the most you’re in control of the conversationand that’s not a good thing the best way to control a conversationis by asking questions then you’re really in control of thatconversation make it about them okay andone more thing our smng group we have a group we meetevery thursday morning at 9 00 a.m central standard timewhere we network we learn social media and wetake action as a group if this sounds like something that youwant to check out you can visit the groupvirtually twice check it out make sure it fits you this month we’relearning on canva yep we’re we we are learning oncanva and you’re welcome to come join us rightnow this is the last day on thursday because it’s the end of the month somaybe next week is better to start with our fresh subjecti let the member states vote we got about 30 members in the groupand i tell them vote on what they want to learnbecause we have the training it stays up there so even if they can’t make it tothe confront they can come check it out subsequentlies soi’m coach manny rodriguez if you do want to check that outyou’re you’re more than welcome to visit anytime practically and check it outwe are at you can check it out at the s mn radical speck u s that’s s m ngroup speck u s just like the name of the depicts m n right radical dot u s get more information there rightnow we have a very special monthly pace at 25 a monthand that’s not gonna stay there while we time an overhauland re-brand it we are we have a whole back office with so muchtraining that lane the members can go at their pacewe’re having a 30 date where you have an accelerated platform for yourselfso we want to help you get results right now 25 dollars a month to come networklearn social media and take action as a grouphow’s canva related to social media well if you’re looking to grow your brandand construct that symbol name canva is contributing to do really amazing graphic designtool for free you should check it out if youdon’t previously know i’m coach manny rodriguez i hope you gotsome value from today’s show if you have a networking tip leaveit below perhaps you’ll be on our see next time
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